Tara Gentile: Leveraging Your Quiet Power (Episode 187)

Charlie Gilkey
Productive Flourishing
2 min readMar 29, 2018
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

Note: This podcast is a re-run of episode 27 and originally aired in April 2015.

Topics We Explored:

  • How Tara got started as an entrepreneur and what lessons she’s learned during the early years of her business
  • How Tara balances being an introvert while doing the work she does in marketing, teaching, and public speaking
  • Why it’s especially important for introverts to not try to fit themselves into other people’s ideas about the way things should be done
  • How Tara uses being a “control freak” to her advantage (it’s probably not what you think)
  • What two questions Tara asks all of her clients to help them determine how they’re most effective at connecting with people

“It wasn’t about finding ways for people to give me money. It was about finding ways to create value.” — Tara Gentile

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

About Tara Gentile:

Tara Gentile is a business strategist and the author of Quiet Power Strategy. She works with entrepreneurs and idea people to help them leverage their Quiet Power and build businesses that generate wealth, peace, and ease. Her clients learn to lead themselves and their businesses based on what makes them most effective and compelling.

Tara’s work has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, Design*Sponge, and the New York Times bestselling book The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau. Tara is a regular instructor on CreativeLive and speaks on entrepreneurship, money, and the New Economy all over the world.

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Originally published at www.productiveflourishing.com.



Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing

Published in Productive Flourishing

How to be a productive, flourishing co-creator of a better world

Charlie Gilkey
Charlie Gilkey

Written by Charlie Gilkey

Author of Team Habits - http://www.productiveflourishing.com/team-habits/ - and the best-selling Start Finishing. Executive coach, investor, and philospher.

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