Write for Productive People

Become a productive person, literally

Ian Drummond
Productive People
3 min readMay 23, 2021


Knowing you are interested in being productive, let’s make this super simple!

people on laptops
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Become a writer

  1. Check out our Notion page for more information on what we are about: https://tinyurl.com/ProductivePeople
  2. Fill out this quick form: https://forms.office.com/r/7xMDbSKiLZ
  3. Wait 1–3 days and you will be added as a writer
  4. Introduce yourself on the PP Discord server: https://discord.gg/32cVQqtTsS!

Submit your story

Once added as a writer, feel free to submit up to one story every 24 hours. Make sure you understand the target audience of the publication when writing and submitting for best chance of publication!


  • If you are writing about a single piece of software, please ensure the software is named in a tag
  • If you are comparing different softwares, please use the tag “software evalutaion”
  • If you are not writing about software, but about general productivity or systems designs, lets make sure proper tags are used in the review process so that we could section the publication based on the tag if enough articles use it

Encouraged Writing

  1. Unique photos, videos, GIFs, and screenshots are highly encouraged. Show your tools and process! Make sure to caption your personal photos accordingly.
  2. Step-based processes you took. Even if you are just writing an initial review of a tool. Talk about the steps you went through to test it out!
  3. Numbers! Productivity can be measured and you should showcase when your sucess metrics increase or decrease! Maybe you started a journal tool, but you realized you had 10% more sad faces each month than you did in another tool.
  4. If you are discussing a new feature in a tool, create a link to the official release annoucement.
  5. If you reference an established framework or methodology, always hyperlink to a good information source. Preferably the originator’s website or at least a wikipedia page. For example, the Pomodora technique was used in my trial.
  6. If you have received compensation, free goods/services, or anything of value in connection with the topic of your article, make that clear in your submission, and in your story.

Discouraged Writing

  1. Don’t break any of Medium’s Member Content Guidelines
  2. Don’t criticize other productive people, only constructive feedback will make it through the curation process.
  3. Copy and paste from Wikipedia. Put your own spin on it!

Review & Publish Process

You can expect to hear back within one week. You can help speed this up by not submitting articles that don’t meet the criteria.

If we want to accept your article, we’ll check it for plagiarism first. If it passes, the process looks like this:

  1. An editor may contact you with any needed clarifications, expansion, links to peer-review evidence, or other revisions needed to improve the article for readers.
  2. We make your writing shine. Sometimes the article is restructured to make it more actionable for the reader. The title and subtitle are reworked for maximum impact and readership, and we make sure it has a good cover image. *Submitting to us means you agree to us making any edits to your photos or copy without further notice.*
  3. We promote your article on social media and send you information on increasing the impact of these posts with your own promotion.

Looking forward to creating great content together!



Ian Drummond
Productive People

Self-improvement | Communication | Innovation | Work Management | Sustainability |US->HK->DK