Nearing the finishing line

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4 min readSep 28, 2018

“No jockey ever won a race by carrying the horse across the finish line; no coach ever won a volleyball match by touching the ball during play.

John Kessel, Writer

No matter how many competitors there are in a race, all are motivated by one thing: the challenge to win. It is, however unfortunately but three of these competitors who will be filled with a sense of elation on crossing the line. The rest will be filled either with bitter disappointment or indeed the fire to make sure that next time they win.

It is undoubtable that there is nothing more exciting for a crowd to watch Usain Bolt at the end of a race. We all like winners and every one of us wishes to be one in those challenges which cross our lives. Winners are what make progress; fired by passion and made possible by determination and drive.

A race is about potential, risk, skill and luck. This is why we can never predict for certain who will be the winner. We do, however know which of those athletes deserve to win. The rest is in the hands of fortune or for some misfortune.

Productivist is coming to the end of its ICO and it has certainly been an exciting race. Time is certainly of the essence so if you should wish invest time is running out. Indeed there are only a few days left. It can only be described as being a highly pertinent project for the manufacturing industry today. Their whitepaper exudes the sheer potential that this project has to change the face of manufacturing for the better facilitating those supply chain problems which have plagued commercial competition over the years. Never before has the supply chain been under such pressure to address supply chain glitches experienced on a daily basis. Driven by a pressure to deliver goods and order goods in short time frames caused by globalisation and online business, companies are being faced with the impossible: a marketplace with reduced financial means and heavy manpower costs. A complex process, in the fact that it often requires communication across continents, accuracy is essential.

Proof of Productivist’s potential is apparent by the ever increasing need for supply chain management. A concept which has evolved over well over half a century, those solutions so far have never fully solved the panoply of problems which accompany this complex process.

Productivist addresses and solves the main factors of supply chain failure: lack of accuracy, mis-orders, failed delivery dates, inflated prices caused by high manpower costs (accumulated by the need for increased staffing to manage the supply chain) and more than often inferior quality goods due to outsourcing. By using blockchain technology, Productivist will automate and streamline supply chain needs making it possible for companies to re-invest money in other areas of their business.

The project certainly has the fire in it to win with a highly skilled and motivated team behind it, this ICO has been well thought through and has clearly studied carefully market needs. They have the right technological know- how along with the experience of the commercial online world whereby the speed of transactions is equally important to the quality of the final product delivered. Blockchain technology is for them a logical transition with a business world today which requires to be manned 7/7 24/24 across all time zones.

Equally importantly, Productivist has recognised the manufacturing industry’s real need for accessible 3D printing. It is indeed the future of this industry. Their project will open the market up and give both SMEs and large companies an access to a solid network of 3D printing experts. Their solution by-passes the need to invest in a fleet of 3D printers and manpower with the necessary skills. It could indeed be described as a kind of outsourcing which remains in-house by the fact that a selection criteria will be the expert’s geographical location. The right job will be matched to the right expert by means of blockchain technology ensuring an accurate profile (the closest expert and appropriate machinery with the most competitive pricing and turn-around time). With their App, there will be a real time update of each order preventing that well-known frustration of the unknown.

Certainly this project is by its concept a winner. Standing amidst its ICO competitors all are jostling to be backed but it is certain that not everyone can be a winner. Productivist can only be categorized favourably. However, like the competitive athlete, skill is only a part of making it a winner. It is, as indicated, just as much to do with luck. Winning for Productivist relies heavily on the optimal number of investors because it is they who will ensure its success. As will all ICOs, it is all about the right fit of investors at the right time, who can provide not only enough capital to get it off the ground but also up and running well. It is these investors who will guarantee both its launch and real success. With only four days to go, Productivist continues to drive its sales to ensure this optimum amount is achieved. In doing so, they in return will produce an exceptional product (with inevitably high investment returns) because for Productivist winning is not only about the first triumph. It is about triumphing again and again.


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Productivist is the first peer-to-peer network connecting private and professional manufacturers to their clients by mapping global manufacturing. #blockchain