Productivist Projections for the Future

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3 min readApr 16, 2018

“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” Warren Buffet

Clearly the most important factor in a sound investment strategy is the ability to assess its market prospects. This can be difficult at times; especially when treading “unknown waters”. However, it is an assessment that every seasoned investor makes before taking that informed decision to invest.

Although profitable investments are never 100% sure, with risk going hand in hand with levels of return, there is a rhythm to the rhyme of spotting a good investment. One lynch pin to this decision making is knowing the origin of the plan and its prospects. Previous articles on Medium have discussed Productivist’s origins but its financial projections have not been fully explored.

Similar to the risk involved in climbing a mountain in the mist, without a compass or map; the successful assessment of a new venture’s potential begins only when we have a clear vision of what lies ahead. Productivist have been meticulous in estimating the real value of their future project. They have indeed started their adventure with both compass and map and have invested a lot of time to carefully research the viability of their project.

Currently the global 3D printing market is valued at €6.72 billion and it has been calculated that over the five year period leading up to 2022 its rapid growth will be at a CAGR of over 28%. Today, two thirds of the top 100 manufacturing industries already use 3D printing in their manufacturing processes and this number is steadily growing. By 2030 some even predict that traditional manufacturing methods will be overtaken by additive manufacturing.

It is estimated that by 2025 this industry will have a market value of nearly €23 billion. Following a careful study of projected statistics, Productivist predict that by 2025 it will have a 12% share of this market: an annual volume of almost €3 billion.

As the market expands, the need to easily access this revolutionary manufacturing method will become more and more apparent. Indeed, it will be vital to ensure that the industry maintains such accelerated growth. This is a major reason why Productivist considers it will be a central player to meeting the manufacturing industry’s needs. Productivist’s vision to use blockchain technology to increase and facilitate the manufacturing supply chain is far from a random choice, it is a very smart one! In a world where the demand for connected systems is driving growth, Productivist is an on the edge concept which will make use of two areas of technology which are experiencing substantial and sustainable growth. The end result can only be that of a winner.

The smart manufacturing market value will see considerable growth over the next 10 years. Today, it has a market value of €60 billion, but experts forecast a market value of an incredible €321 billion by 2025. Taking into account their strong position in the 3D printing market and the capacity that their technology holds, Productivist predicts that it will have by 2025 a 0.88% market share of the smart industry, estimating a daily volume of €7.78 m. They envisage a steady rise in the PROD as their ecosystem grows and new marketplaces join the PROD in synergy with the progression of smart technology.

Productivist are therefore on the brink of a market which we can see has an amazing potential. It will be the first of its kind. With the current advancement of its planning it has the means to not only bring the goods to the table, but also to excel in doing so. As an innovator in its field it will be first on the “starting block” and given that it has already network of expertise and a proven track record in the industry (see white paper) it has the potential to dominate the market right from the beginning.

The figures talk for themselves and the future is certainly promising. Productivist has the potential to lead the way in revolutionizing our approach to the manufacturing supply chain.




Productivist is the first peer-to-peer network connecting private and professional manufacturers to their clients by mapping global manufacturing. #blockchain