Best Apple Watch Faces by Use-Cases — Ultimate Setting Guide

Kotomi TM
Productivity Depth
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2021

Apple Watch is a powerful gadget that makes your life super convenient. You can get notifications without checking your phone, you can log your activity and sleep, etc.

Today I wanna share with you my favorite Apple Watch Face settings.

Common Complications Throughout Watch Faces

Before we jump in.. the following data is major for me and why:

Digital Time:
This is “Watch” first of all. Lots of Apple Watch Faces offer the analog face and I like their design. But it’s not convenient enough compared to the digital face. So my solution is displaying the digital time even when I use the analog watch face. The Watch Faces I will share with you below are mostly analog faces, but I always include digital time as one of the complications.

Date and Day of the Week:
Funny enough, we never know which day today is. So being able to see today’s date on Apple Watch is significantly handy. You will know how convenient it is when you need to know the date.

Activity Progress:
One of the main reasons I got the Apple Watch is to maintain my health. I try to close at least two rings (move and stand) every day so I’d like to monitor my progress regularly.

Before I get Apple Watch, I always check the weather app on my iPhone and see today’s temperature and weather conditions. Having weather complications on my watch is saving my time a lot!

Apps for complications I will introduce — ALL FREE APPs

The apps I will introduce below are all free. So you can start without any additional investment. If you are using paid app for your preference, you can get an idea from me and feel free to customize it for your suite.

All custom watch face settings are covered

For each Apple Watch face, I’ve listed the setting. If you find a watch face that you want to try, please follow the bullet list.

Okay, let’s dive into my favorite Apple Watch Faces by use-cases.

Best Watch Face for All At Glance

  • Watch Face: Meridian
  • Dial Color: Black
  • Color: Multicolor
  • Complications:
    Top: Time > Digital Time
    Left: Weather > Temperature
    Right: Calendar > Today’s Date
    Bottom: Activity

This is my current default watch face. It’s simple but functional.

Best Watch Face for Workout

  • Watch Face: Activity Analog
  • Style: Rings
  • Color: White
  • Complications:
    Top Left: Music
    Top Right: Workout
    Bottom: World Clock

(Tip: I’m using the “World Clock” complication to display the digital time. All you need to do is add your local city to World Clock app from your iPhone.)

When I work out, I switch to this watch face. First I play music from the top-left complication then start the Workout app from the top-right easily.

Note: I also like following “Activity Analog” and the “Activity Digital” watch faces too. With these faces, I can easily see the numbers of my activity progress.

Best Watch Face for Task Management

  • Watch Face: Infograph Modular
  • Color: Multicolor
  • Complications:
    Top Left: Activity
    Above Time: Calendar > Today’s Date
    Middle: Reminders
    Bottom Left: Weather > Conditions
    Bottom Center: Weather > Temperature
    Bottom Right: Weather > Rain

When I need to concentrate on today’s task, I use this Infograph Modular Face. This modular face is really good to display detailed data. As an example, I used the Apple default Reminders app, but you are welcome to use your task management app’s complication. ToDoist, Things 3 — these major to-do list apps offer good UI modular complications too.

Best Watch Face for Minimalist

  • Watch Face: Simple
  • Style: I
  • Color: Gold
  • Complications:
    Top Left: Weather > Weather
    Top Right: World Clock
    Bottom Right: Calendar > Today’s Date
    Bottom Left: Off

When I was working at the office, this watch face was my default. It’s super minimalistic so people who sit next to me in the meeting cannot sneak my watch face. This face is also very distracting free so it’s very good when you want to focus on what’s in front of you.

Best Watch Face for Fancy Look Lover

  • Watch Face: California
  • Symbols: California
  • Dial: Full Screen
  • Color: Stone
  • Complications:
    Top: Digital Time
    Bottom: Off

When I go out for dinner, shopping, or hanging out with my friends, I use this watch face. It’s like a fashion watch face. Fancy!

That’s All! What’s your favorite watch face? I’d like to hear from you :)

Thank you for reading and Happy Apple Watch Life!



Kotomi TM
Productivity Depth

Minimalist productive nerd. Interests: productivity, self development, writing, motherhood, reading & swimming. Native Japanese living in the US since 2013.