12 Signs That She Is The Woman Of Your Dreams

The Productivity Revolution
4 min readAug 20, 2015

Originally published at www.lmt-lss.com.

If you’re planning to settle down with the girl you’ve been dating for a while, you might want to be sure that she’s right for you. After all, you’ll have to spend your entire life together. It’s probably your life’s biggest decision, and so you’ll need to be wise about it.

But, how do you know if she is Miss Right? Read on to find out.

She can make you laugh.

If your girlfriend can make you laugh and is fun to be with then you’ll be happy with her. It’s important to have a partner who has a sense of humor and not grumpy in the long journey of life and marriage.

She’s your greatest support.

When you know that you’ve got your girl’s back in all situations, life becomes much easier. A supportive woman will make the difficult times in life seem easier and help you sail through it smoothly.

You can’t take your eyes off her.

You’re so much in love with her that you simply can’t take your eyes off her. That cute girl next door and the girl in the library who keeps smiling at you, no longer grab your attention. If all you think about is your girlfriend, then you’re truly in love and you should get hitched.

She gets along with your friends.

Your girlfriend seems to enjoy the company of your friends so much that she has no problem with you planning to hang out with them together rather than spending alone time with her. Your friends likes her too. If this is the case, she’s the one for you.

She loves to be with your family.

When you invite her for your family get-together, she seems to have no problem with it. In fact, she loves hanging out with your siblings too. If both your family and your lady love get along with each other, you should definitely consider her as your life partner.

She gives you space.

Unlike typical girlfriends, if the woman that you’re dating respects your space and isn’t a control freak, you must know that she’s one in a million.

She cooks for you.

Your mother might be the best cook you’ve ever known, but if you can’t deny that you love your girlfriend’s cooking all the same then she’s definitely a keeper.

You trust her more than any other person.

You’ve found your Miss Right when you know that your deep and dark secrets are safe with her. You trust her so much that you tell her everything without any hesitation, and she never lets you down. If you know that you can always trust your girlfriend, then give her the love that she rightly deserves.

You can be yourself.

She never makes you feel the need to be someone who you’re not. If you can be totally yourself when she’s around and know that she won’t judge you, then she’s perfect for you.

You can speak your heart out.

If your girl understands you well, you’ll have no problem speaking your heart out to her. You can speak about anything without hesitation. This kind of open communication is the key to strengthening a lasting bond.

She makes you forget about your ex.

Your ex-girlfriend has no place in your heart the moment this lovely lady walked into your life. She’s a beautiful person who sweeps you off your feet every time you see her. If you can relate to this, she’s the girl for you.

You’ve never been happier.

You can’t remember the moment you were happier before you met her. All your worries seem to fade away when you’re with her. All you can be, is happy around her. She uplifts your soul and you love it. This feeling is a strong indication of being with the right person. Don’t let her go.

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