15 Motivational Habits Of Ultra Successful People

The Productivity Revolution
4 min readMar 25, 2016

Originally published at lmt-lss.com on March 25, 2016.

Change your habits to reach higher levels of success.

While successful people seem to be living the most comfortable life, we often forget that they’ve sacrificed a lot and molded their habits quite a bit to get where they are. Although hard work and dedication are two essential elements of success, the foundation is set by a specific routine comprising the right set of habits. Learning about their habits can help us find success.

Here are fifteen motivational habits of ultra successful people that we should consider emulating.

1. Defining long- and short-term goals.

Successful people always have a set of long-term and short-term goals in their minds. They like planning ahead of time, and their goals keep them motivated in their lives.

2. Making a plan before starting out.

They don’t begin execution unless they have a well thought-out plan to execute. They make it a point to think through every single step and always keep a backup plan handy for unfavorable conditions.

3. Identifying strengths and weaknesses.

They regularly evaluate themselves and keep a check on their strengths and weaknesses. It provides them with the opportunity to work on their lacunae and further strengthen their existing skill set.

4. Waking up early.

Successful people wake up early to either engage in physical activity to stay on top of their physical health or start work early simply to manage their day better. And it’s always pretty effective.

Image Source: Hella Wella

5. Setting deadlines.

Instead of giving themselves the luxury of time, they set timelines and work accordingly. It helps them stay focused, and they produce quality results.

6. Networking well.

They know the importance of networking and make sure they’re a part of relevant social gatherings and online discussions. This helps them form connections with the right people which later helps their business.

7. Prioritizing activities.

Successful people are masters at the art of prioritizing. They take the time to analyze the urgency and importance of each task and prioritize and form a strategy accordingly, which helps them succeed.

8. Taking breaks in the day.

Instead of working continuously, they schedule some breaks in the day. These timeouts help them stay fresh and focus better. Therefore, the quality of their output is always high.

9. Being proactive.

They don’t like pushing things to a later time. Instead, they believe in living in the moment and focusing on things that need to be taken care of in the present.

Image Source: Motivati5

10. Reading

Successful people are voracious readers. They consider books to be their biggest source of knowledge and motivation in tough times.

11. Taking the initiative.

Instead of blaming things on others, they believe in taking the initiative to bring a change. Their habit of taking the first step then and there helps them avoid procrastination as well.

12. Being ready to fail.

They consider failure to be the stepping stone to success. Successful people believe it’s okay to fail and learn lessons from their failures and immediately move on.

13. Evaluating their actions.

Successful people make it a point to evaluate their actions from time to time. Every night, they think about their achievements of the day and try to find out what they could’ve done better.

14. Making time for family and friends.

No matter how busy they are, they make sure they spend time reconnecting with their family and friends. This fills them up with positivity and keeps them going.

15. Learning constantly.

Learning is a never-ending process for successful people. Instead of simply sitting around, they believe in acquiring new skills every chance they get and learn new things.

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