20 New Year Resolutions for entrepreneurs!

Vikas Jha
The Productivity Revolution
4 min readJan 1, 2018

Year endings and beginnings are a great time to retrospect and plan!! New Year resolutions are probably the most hopeful (at times not too realistic), inspiring things that continue to ignite a childlike sense of excitement in all of us.

Image credit-LinkedIn

What could be wrong with a hopeful sense of purpose?

As an entrepreneur, the year is full of possibilities waiting to be realised! Here are 20 new year resolutions for 2018 that I think we should aim for:

1. Don’t let others define your success

It is important to track your own progress and measure success. But to define what counts as success based on another company is redundant. From what I have learnt, our relationships with customers who have invested in us paramount. It’s all about how satisfied they are and ensuring we give in our best.

2. Customers mean everything

Try to understand your customers better than you already have. Direct all the work flow processes towards the customer’s needs.

3. Love what you do

We believe Mondays are sacred. Mondays are full of hope, always kick starting a productive week ahead as long as you love your work.

Do something exciting every Monday. To think of it , you just have to think of 52 such things right ? could be as simple as making coffee for a colleague !

4. Think big, start small

As a part of spearheading your company’s growth and success, it’s also your job to dream the goals and set the aspirations. Plus to do all this with pragmatism. Start small and make quick progress with tiny steps.

5. Be a product of your company culture

Not just a product, be an example. Uphold a strong company culture and let that shine through in your personality and the way you interact with your team.

6. Time with a price tag

Value your time. Unclog your calendar and give quality time to just the important things.

Use technology tools if you must, but promise yourself to plan better.

7. Hire smart

The people you choose to work with, means everything! Hire people who would be in line with your company culture and have the right skills for the job. Be specific for each job roller even picky.

For eg. I’ve introduced PI assessments to screen candidates early on.

8. Delegate better

Once you find the right talent, ensure you divide the work intelligently. Get the best out of your employees.

Delegation is the most difficult thing for an entrepreneur. I understand that but you must-must-must delegate if you need to grow.

9. Communicate..normally

Cut the jargon and the buzzwords. Effective communication is one that brings people closer and conveys the message clearly. Language also conveys company culture, so don’t load it with words people don’t relate to.

10. Plan it all

Plan your year, your month, your week and your day. Planning does not mean rigid schedules, it means thought that will definitely transform into action.

11. Health

Becoming fit is an annual resolution, it’s probably time to realize it. (Till it no longer becomes a separate goal but a part of life).

12. Home

Ensure the time spent at home is dedicated to yourself and family. Don’t while it away, use it judiciously.

13. Help

Give back to the community, both as a company and as an individual. Don’t just donate money, ensure you understand where it’s going and how it impacts people.

Can you promise yourself to help a minimum of 10 people this year for no personal motive involved ?

14. Effective digital presence

An entrepreneurship without an online presence is almost damaging. If you haven’t already, ensure you get on the digital space.

15. Follow digital media trends

For digital media startups- blogs, videos and long-form pieces with in depth analysis are in. Invest in these areas.

16. Humanizing your brand

Social media can add personality to a company. Apart from this, other innovative or even face to face meet ups with your customer can make things more personal.

17. Charge your worth

Specifically for startups, strategize and negotiate to ensure that you get paid what you deserve.

18. Positivity and strong work ethic

Positivity is the key to productivity. Make conscious efforts to spread this in your work culture.

19. Recollect why you took up this journey in the first place

There is so much inspiration we can seek from our own past. Reminding ourselves of why we took up this entrepreneurial journey can push us forward.

20. Resolutions to Reality

Make your goals specific, schedule it, persist with patience and share it with friends and family to make it seem more real.

If you’re an entrepreneur with insights to add here, drop in a comment here !!

