6 Signs That Prove You Have The Mindset of a Real Hustler

The Productivity Revolution
2 min readMay 9, 2016

As a hustler, you’re focused, passionate, and fearless.

We live in the world where money and comfort are our only goals. We hardly find people with a burning passion for doing something in life and a drive to do it.

However, to chase up a passion, you need to think smart, be strategic about the things you do and hustle your way through to accomplishing your dreams. It takes courage and determination, but a hustler’s mindset can help you win.

You might probably secretly be a hustler, but don’t know it yet. Here’s how to find out.

1. You have razor-like focus.

A hustler’s focus remains solely on achieving their goals. It might seem like they’re obsessed, but that’s their way of working towards fulfilling a dream. It’s that desperate need to make their dreams come true that keeps them focused.

2. You’re passionate and driven.

You’re someone who’s willing to do anything for your passion. You don’t get tangled up in “supposed to do” and go after what you really want to do with the drive of a raging bull.

3. You have a fearless attitude.

Once you become a hustler, you decide to live fearlessly. In the world where the competition is fierce, fearlessness is an attribute that takes one far in life. A hustler’s got this trait embedded in him.

4. You have a competitive spirit.

In today’s times, when everybody is trying to make things happen, a hustler gets what they want because they’re highly competitive. They want to be better than the rest, and they’ll do everything they can to get there.

5. You never give up.

Every journey is riddled with obstacles, but you don’t let them demotivate you or stop you. You proceed swiftly in an attempt to make things happen. As a hustler, you don’t know what “give up” really means.

6. You have a winning mindset.

A hustler aims to win. There’s no mucking about if a hustler has a goal post placed before them. They face all kinds of challenges and overcome them so that they can win. And that’s how they emerge victorious repeatedly in life.

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