7 Great Reasons Why Boxing Is A Complete Mind And Body Workout

The Productivity Revolution
2 min readSep 8, 2015

Originally published at www.lmt-lss.com.

Image Source: pitfitness

For those of you looking for an alternative to working out at the gym, boxing is great option to consider. Being a combat sport, boxing provides you with both strength and agility. The tools used for boxing training such as heavy bags, jump ropes, hook and jab pads help provide an engaging and challenging workout that can increase many aspects of your fitness and positively affect your health.

Here’s how boxing can add to your overall fitness:

Cardiovascular Fitness

Boxing is a great workout to strengthen the function of the heart. When you throw punches, a large number of your body muscles are contracting at the same time. This makes your heart and lungs work overtime to pump blood containing oxygen all around your body.

Reduced Stress

Get rid of stress and tension with every punch. Intense exercise triggers the release of feel-good hormones called endorphins, which leave you feeling happy, confident and less stressed.

Increased Muscle Tone

Punching is a fast repetitive action that produces toned, taut muscles in contrast to the slow, controlled and heavy movements involved in body-building or weight lifting that increase size or bulk.

Act as an Outlet for Anger

Boxing gives you a way to release pent up stress and anger in a disciplined manner. Channeling your anger physically through boxing can be an empowering experience.

Improved Co-ordination and Body Awareness

With practice, focus and discipline, this full body workout improves the connection between the brain and the body.

Helps Build Strength and Power

Correctly thrown punches use your legs, hips, glutes, core, obliques, back, shoulders, chest and arms makes boxing a great full body workout.

Improved Confidence and Self-Esteem

Boxing tests your physical and mental limitations. You develop a sense of self-assurance as you overcome these obstacles.

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