7 Simple Motivational Ways To Attain A State Of Mindfulness

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readMar 7, 2016

Originally published at lmt-lss.com on March 7, 2016.

The key to all problems in life is in being mindful of them.

Image Source: Mindfulleader

Here are 7 ways to break away from our habit of compulsive thinking and attain a state of mindfulness.

1. Reflect on your early morning thoughts.

We usually hit the bathroom as soon as we wake up. Instead of doing that, take a few minutes to reflect on your thoughts. Focus on a few inspiring ideas and happy experiences; smile and give yourself a positive start for the day.

2. Experience the physical sensations.

Most of the time, we’re focused either on the past or the future. We think about client calls and meetings while taking a shower or commuting to work. To be mindful is live in the present. For instance, enjoy the warm water cascading down while taking a shower. That’s called living in the now.

3. Take a 20-minute walk.

Charles Dickens used to walk for 20 to 30 minutes every day. Aristotle loved walking in the evenings. Henry David Thoreau believed walking was a kind of pilgrimage without a destination. Why do these great philosophers and thinkers believe in walking? That’s because walking, apart from being a healthy physical exercise, is also a great mind-expanding workout.

4. Quieten your thoughts.

Our everyday stress at work and home have conditioned us to think compulsively. There is not a moment in our busy days when we’re free of thoughts. We cannot achieve the blissful state of mindfulness when we’re consumed by compulsive thinking. So take some time every day to quieten your thoughts and sit in complete silence during that time.

Image Source: flickr

5. Focus on mono-tasking.

Tackling too many tasks at a time is the perfect way to lose focus and break your workflow. A mindful way to work would be to tackle one task at a time. This will allow you to explore every task with depth and enthusiasm. Following this approach, you’re also likely to produce good quality work before the expected time.

6. Switch off the devices.

On an average people spend 8 hours 41 minutes on electronic devices. This kind of constant engagement with devices can be very taxing on the mind, which can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety. To be mindful, it’s important to switch off the devices at regular intervals and remain offline for a while. This will give your mind the much-need mental break.

7. Breath deeply.

Breathing, of course, is an involuntary activity. But paying attention to this natural flow oxygen and carbon dioxide can prove to be very useful for your well-being. When you focus on your breathing, you instantly break away from the chaos in your mind and allow it to become calm and peaceful. This state of mindfulness can be attained at any place or time.

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