8 Ways To Make You Believe More In Your Dreams

The Productivity Revolution
2 min readJul 1, 2016

Conviction in your dreams and abilities is necessary to make dreams come true.

Unless you put negative thoughts behind you and believe in yourself fully, you cannot come close to achieving your dreams. When you gather confidence, you have the willpower to do whatever it takes, and nothing can then stop you.

Here are eight rules to live a confident life.

1. Stop listening to others’ opinions.

One of the most important rules to stay confident is to listen to yourself rather than the people around you. Every person has a view about things. Listening to all of them will muddle up your view. Know what you want to do in life, and go after it.

2. Believe in your abilities.

Let people think whatever they wish, but believe in your ability to make things happen. Only then can you walk confidently towards your dreams. Confidence is all about appreciating yourself and knowing that you can make your dreams come true.

3. Treat failures as lessons.

When you set out to make your dreams come true, you’ll be greeted with failure. Don’t get bogged down. Instead, look back at your failures and understand why things went wrong. Learn from it and do better next time.

4. Celebrate your strengths.

Most of us focus on our weaknesses and rarely take pride in our strengths. To become confident in what you do, you need to appreciate yourself for all the things you do well. When you focus on your strengths, you can use them more confidently.

5. Don’t give up.

You’ll fail, make mistakes, and face challenges. If you want to stay confident of your dreams, you shouldn’t give up in any case. Keep trying, and learn from past mistakes. This is the only way to make your dreams come true.

6. Take pride in what you do.

When you take pride in what you do, you’ll make sure to do your best. You’ll enjoy what you do and will gather the confidence to make sure that things fall in place, as per your plan.

7. Ignore the negative voices within.

The negative voices inside you will discourage you and make you feel hopeless. At such a time, you should stop allowing these voices to control your life. Silencing these negative voices will bring you more courage and confidence than ever.

8. Take on challenges.

Willingness to face challenges comes with being confident in yourself. When you gather the confidence to make things work, you’ll also be ready to face the scary uncertainty and overcome all sorts of obstacles in the way.



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