Do you train your mind ?

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readJan 17, 2019

These days I’m travelling for work.

Today at lunch, I was cribbing to a friend Vivek Jaiswal (also a startup founder) on how I’m having irregular sleep hours while travelling — may be the change in place, routine etc affecting the sleep pattern..

His response was epic and really got me thinking — “ By continuing to lie on the bed if not getting your sleep, you are training your mind to disassociate sleep with the bed. Sit on a couch and read and go to bed only when sleepy. Train your mind.”

How true and how important to translate to multiple facets of life..

By continuing to do things a certain way we can train our minds — positively and negatively both. e.g. when you’re looking to solve a problem you have two options:

A. Focus harder and experiment more until you figure things.


B. Quit saying this doesn’t work, I’m done !!

Over time, if you consistently choose option A over B, then you’ve trained your mind to become inclined to problem-solving.

Choosing option B consistently leads you to train your mind to look for solutions on a platter.

Training your mind. So important to train it right !! Have you trained your mind on things?

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Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh