Handling clients who are not sure what they want

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readFeb 4, 2019

Quick tips on approaching clients who know they have a problem but not what exactly that problem is


My colleague was recently in a call with a prospect “who knew he had a sales issue but couldn’t figure out how a sales solution would help him”

As we sat and discussed later on over coffee, we realised we’ve all had those calls at some point where we need to help our prospects introspect and figure out their own challenges with more clarity.

In my experience, I’ve seen these four questions work wonders in helping your client gain clarity on their own needs and pre-qualifying the client early on (over email or call) :

  • What would you like to achieve using a solution like ours? (make them think)
  • What milestone defines success for you if you used our solution? (Help them visualise a goal and aha moment!)
  • What benefit will a solution like ours provide to your team? (Help them visualise the gains)
  • Who will be using the end solution? (Helps prospect figure if the end users of your solution will feel comfortable with using the solution every day)

Would love to hear how you go about clients who are unclear about their needs but might be a great fit to your Ideal customer profile (ICP)



Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh