Here’s How You Balance Money And Happiness

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readSep 23, 2015

Originally published at on September 23, 2015.

Image Source: daralainemurray

From Osho to George Carlin, people have sermoned us on the essence of happiness and what we must do to reach this destination. There are a great number of theories revolving around happiness, sometimes conflicting with each other. At some point in life, we have been badgered with the ideology of “Money does not buy happiness”. The strange thing is, intellectually at least, we know that’s not true. Sure, money brings us the satisfaction but not true happiness. But poverty doesn’t bring us happiness either.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with money. It’s not a sin to have material possessions just like it’s not a sin to work in a 9–5 job. At some point in life, we all have to face responsibilities like paying the bills or keeping the roof over our head. Money interferes with our happiness when we make those possessions our priority. In the rat’s race of doing better than everyone else, we lose sight of life’s purpose.

Here’s how you can balance money and happiness:

Avoid The Financial Competition

Wealth, in the modern world, equates to power and recognition. It’s true you are devoid of the daily grind when you’re financially settled. But with time, the novelty fades off and money is seen as an accomplishment. Focus those energies on finding monetary balance to keep you satisfied and maybe happy in life.

Buy Moments, Not Stuff

Image Source: Nerdy Girl

Instead of spending your finances blindly on material possessions, the key is to spend it on experiences. If you have the money and love traveling, explore different countries and cultures or experience the wildlife of Africa. If you love extreme sports, go sky diving or scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef. Indulge in gourmet cuisine at that expensive restaurant in your city. Make memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t splurge but Buy What You Like

We love splurging on our favourite things to put a smile on our face like the latest Apple gadget or those shoes from Christian Louboutin. Spending on our needs is perfectly okay as long as they don’t turn into an obsessive habit.

Don’t Fall Into The Debt Trap

Image Source: Ray Bulaon ESQ

Dropping a ton of cash on something extravagant seems thrilling at the time but soon it just becomes another object. By spending excessively, you tend to forget about other important responsibilities. A debt is one of the costliest mistakes you can make. Spend within your means, you’ll enjoy life more.

Small Pleasures Are Better Than Big Ones

Splurging on a sports car or the mansion with an infinity swimming pools is joyous. But with time, they lose their lustre and you search for newer car models or houses to replace them. By frequently indulging in smaller things like a massage at a Swedish salon or the best seat at a cricket game, you appreciate those experiences more. You experience happiness when you volunteer at an orphanage and see the smiles on their faces.

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