How Writing Every Day Can Help You Lead A Happier Life

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readSep 22, 2015

Originally published at on September 21, 2015.

Plenty of research studies over the years have proven that regular writing makes people happy.

We trek tall hills, watch inspiring movies, read self-help books, quit jobs, go on pilgrimages — all in pursuit of true happiness. But there’s one simple way of finding happiness that we never think about — writing.

Yes, plenty of research studies over the years have proven that regular writing makes people happy. If you’re wondering how, read on:

It lightens you up.

Whenever you feel sad, angry, dejected or betrayed, writing can be an effective way to release those negative emotions. When you write, your clogged emotions of distress find a channel to flow out. This lightens you up and makes you feel better.

So whenever you experience a heartbreak or the loss of a loved one, for instance, express your emotions on paper. It’ll free up the anguish you feel inside. And express it without inhibitions — that’s when this method is most effective.

It makes you creative.

Writing regularly can make you creative and happy.

For instance, when you write a story, a poem or an article every day, you train your mind to come up with ideas. Follow this routine regularly and you’ll find yourself becoming spontaneous in the creative process.

To initiate this, start a blog. Carry a small notepad and pen wherever you go, and write down everything that stimulates your mind. Then, build on those half-baked thoughts later. You’ll be surprised by the possibilities that come up from these snippets of writing.

Wouldn’t you feel happier creating something new every single day?

It makes you think more clearly.

We think of around 40,000 thoughts per day on average. Can you imagine how cluttered our minds would be?

We generally suffer because of this clutter — struggling to solve simple everyday problems and make decisions. These challenges then become the root cause of unhappiness in our lives.

Thinking clearly can make our lives a lot easier, and writing can help you achieve that.

Pick up a category of your choice — politics, science, nature, travel, or business — and write something on it every day. This process will eventually help you focus better and think clearly.

It gives you a personality.

We’re all unique in our own separate ways. But most of us don’t know how to express that uniqueness.

Writing is a great way to do that. The writing process develops our personality, gives character to our expression, and thereby enhances our uniqueness.

One simple way of expressing your personality is to write your own story, like writing a memoir. Write about all your experiences — the good times, the bad times, the times when nothing really happened. This will make you more aware about yourself and give you an identity that you never knew existed. This is your key to being confident and happy.

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