Inspiring Fitness Habits of 8 Successful Leaders

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readSep 21, 2015

Originally published at on September 19, 2015.

Success and fitness go hand in hand. Successful leaders around the world know this and therefore, have made fitness an important part of their lives.

Success and fitness go hand in hand. Successful leaders around the world know this and therefore, have made fitness an important part of their lives. From Elon Musk to Oprah Winfrey, all of them work out to stay healthy, even during hectic days. Wondering what they actually do? Read on.

Elon Musk

The Tesla and SpaceX founder stays in shape by playing sports like tennis and swimming. There’s a gym in his house that includes a variety of equipment that encourage him to work out every day and stay fit.

Brian Chesky

Did you know that Brian was a competitive bodybuilder before becoming an entrepreneur? Naturally, he’s very health-conscious in life. Needless to say, he make sure to follow a balanced diet to keep performing at his best.

Oprah Winfrey

She’s not just a talk show host, but a spiritual thought leader as well. After toiling through obesity problems in her life, Oprah has learned that regular exercise and meditation is the path to finding inner peace and success in life.

Richard Branson

Swimming, Bikram yoga, rock climbing, running, weight lifting — you name it; there’s hardly a fitness regime that Richard Branson hasn’t tried his hands at. The super successful businessman sees fitness as just another way of exploring himself and enjoying his amazing life.

Anil Ambani

A business magnate, Anil Ambani is popular for his love for running marathons. Overweight at one point in his life, he lost almost one-third of his weight by running and making healthy eating choices.

Barack Obama

Obama credits his success to his strict fitness regime. He admits this in his autobiography Dreams From My Father where he said that running five kilometers a day helped him transform himself into an achiever from an underachiever.

Jack Dorsey

Sweating out at the gym, running five kilometers a day and following a Paleo diet — a diet that advocates avoiding gluten, alcohol, dairy and sugar — is Jack Dorsey’s mantra to staying fit and succeeding in life.

Mark Zuckerberg

The young innovator and entrepreneur has a personal trainer who keeps a check on his fitness, five times a week. Mark is also known for his one-on-one meetings while walking — a simple way to stay fit even when you’re busy.

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