Is there a lone wolf culture at your workplace?

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readJan 31, 2019

“..when the cold winds blow, the lone wolf dies and the pack survives”

yeap that’s a quote from Game of Thrones!!

Image credit —

Funnily enough, I found myself quoting it to a prospect yesterday who was exploring Alore to manage his sales team better.

Their team had a highly competitive culture where SDRs weren’t supportive of each other, withheld information within the team and mainly focussed on their commissions.

They had the lone wolf mentality.

Due to some regulatory changes in their industry, their sales became harder all of a sudden (the cold winds came!) as a result 2 of their 7 SDRs left the company and their sales pipeline was thinning fast.

I felt the prospect had two issues at hand

  1. Culture — He would have to take a step back and rework the culture that was forming. Healthy competition is good, but the team was in desperate need of the pack mindset!!
  2. Sales process — The lack of a set process, a robust central sales platform for real-time health check didn’t help.

Having a leader-board would help create a transparent recognition platform and infuse healthy competition (also bring the team to chip into helping each other & nurture the pack mentality!)

What’s your take? Would love to know what you do to encourage the pack mentality in your sales team?



Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh