Lose Weight By Eating Burgers: Yes, It’s Possible!

The Productivity Revolution
2 min readSep 15, 2015

Originally published at www.lmt-lss.com.

Image Source: fitness

The popular belief is that fast-foods like burgers are the reason why we pile on fat. But we are blaming the wrong guy here. Burgers can actually be healthy, if you know the right ingredients to use.

Making a healthy burger can be a fun way to snack up and maintain a healthy and nutritious diet.

A healthy beef burger counts for approx 445 calories and contains all the required nutrients like fiber, protien and healthy fat. Here’s a video by Gordan Ramsay, a British chef famous for presenting shows like Hell’s kitchen, to help make a healthy beef burger that can liven up your diet while keeping you on the path to fitness.

You can also prepare the burger choosing different patties to suit your taste. You can add ground turkey, ground chicken, ground beef, salmon, tuna or chicken breast.

If you are a vegetarian, here’s a video by Nathen Mixon to guide you to your scrumptious veggie burger :

Vegetarians have a little more to rejoice as these tasty burger account for 245 calories only.

Here are a few tips to help you make your own healthy burger at home:

  • Choice of bun: choose a high-fiber, gluten-free bun made from healthy grains like brown rice, millet or buckwheat.
  • Try different toppings each time like lettuce, arugula, cucumber, avocado, herbs, tomato, red onion, roasted red peppers, jalapenos, caramelized onions or sauteed mushrooms.
  • Choose any combination of condiments: ketchup, mustard, guacamole, salsa, gluten-free pickles or fat-free mayo.

If you’re still not convinced, here’s some researched proof — The Zero Belly Test Panel proved that more than 500 men and women lost as much as 16 pounds in just the first two weeks by incorporating a healthy burger meal in their diet. So go ahead and add burgers to your diet plan to shed those extra pounds.

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