Meditation Simplified: Meditating Every Day Is Possible if You Just Keep These 2 Things in Mind

Vikas Jha
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readAug 12, 2015

Keeping a meditation practice going is tricky. It always seems easy enough to put into practice at first, but quickly occupies the last place on the list of priorities, eventually reaching an untimely end.

You’d be surprised to hear that doing just two things can make your practice infallible.

Identify & Write Down Your Motivation

Why do you want to meditate?

Why do you want to do it regularly?

You must answer these two questions before starting your meditation practice. Establishing a clear motive at the start helps as a reference for later, when you feel like quitting or when other things take precedence. The motive reminds you of the reason you started meditating in the first place, and helps bring your focus back.

If you choose to start meditating to solve anger issues and to stay calm, you won’t abandon your practice even when you feel like giving up, because you know exactly how you’ll benefit from meditation.

But if, on the other hand, you start meditating only because everyone around you always spoke positively about it, you’re likely to stop practicing, as your practice would be based on someone else’s belief in meditation, not yours.

Until you’re convinced about your motivation for meditating regularly, you aren’t going to be able to sustain the practice.

Exercise Compassion with Yourself

There will be days when you will wake up and not feel like meditating.

You have to understand that that’s okay. It’s only natural to feel that way about something you’re doing every day. Routine is like that — everyone needs a break from it every now and then. The problem arises only when you start feeling guilty about it and think of yourself as having failed at sustaining your practice.

These thoughts benefit you in no way, and in fact prevent you from carrying on with your meditation practice. They infiltrate others areas of your life as well, and suck your energy dry.

Luckily, meditation helps keeps such thoughts in check. And that, right there, would be a great motivation to keep meditating.

Originally published at

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