My love affair with Mondays : How to make your Mondays exciting again

Vikas Jha
The Productivity Revolution
3 min readNov 25, 2017

The key is to love what you do and who you do it with.

Mondays at Plash !

At Alore, we work six days a week.

I do love weekends, but not as much as I love Mondays.

I can’t recall a week in the past 8 years where I even remotely dreaded a single Monday.

I dread Saturdays. Saturdays are reality check.

Review meetings with my teams only makes me realise how much more there is still to achieve. Saturdays make us all introspect — probably we didn’t achieve as much as we planned, or even if we did achieve what we planned, most of us feel we could have done better. It isn’t that I am a Grinch like boss hammering my team for results or I like them any lesser for a bad week but I believe in expectations being guideposts for achievement — for me and for my team — both ways.

Mondays, on other hand are filled with enthusiasm, child like excitement, anticipation and little nervous butterflies in stomach.

I am excited about all that we can achieve in the week. I am excited about how differently we can solve the problem that brewed all my coffees last week. I am excited about what magic my team will create. I am also excited about new ideas that we might come up with in the following days.

For me, Monday mornings feel like the feeling you get when going out on a first-date with the girl you have had a crush on for the longest period of time !

How does that happen for me and not for a lot of other people out there?

The key is to love what you do and who you do it with.

Entrepreneurship requires passion and emotion- It’s a prerequisite.

I love the work we are doing at Alore. More than that I love all the people around me. As a CEO of a small startup, I do have maximum influence on what we work on at Alore. But more than anything else, I am really thankful to God to have people around me who I love working with.

Ask yourself these two questions periodically:

  1. Do you love your work ?
  2. Do you like your colleagues ?

If either of these things are not working for you at work and you dread Mondays, ask yourself how can you make it exciting again.

If I see people coming continuously late on Mondays or are not excited about Mondays, I see it as a first sign of discontent and have open conversation with them. I try to help them get their excitement back over the coming weeks. And if they can’t make it happen and nothing clicks, it sure is the biggest sign for them to move on and find their new mojo ( before it’s too late to find one).

Apart from that I ensure that Sundays are never about work for anyone. Just as with people, even with work, you sometimes need to be away from it to get the romance back.

If you make your workplace happy, you will always be excited about Mondays. The onus is on you and everyone around you.

