5 Blogs and bloggers to follow if AI interests you ( & one awwwwwsome professor!)

Vikas Jha
The Productivity Revolution
4 min readOct 14, 2017

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a while now, you must have come across news on how Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page etc. are gunning for AI being the future. If not you must have surely come across at least one news post about Elon Musk being concerned about the use of AI. Well they’re the business demi-gods of sorts and what they say becomes news, but we wanted to share news of the AI blogs and bloggers that are actually the real cauldron of ideas and AI discussions.

Don’t believe us? Have a look!


Well this is not a dedicated blog but has a great AI sub section in the blog. With more than 300 amazing articles on the topic of AI this is an SAI enthusiasts treasure trove!


If you want to have a look and explore some articles click here


The author of this blog, Steve is an AI veteran and has done a fantastic job in creating a community of AI enthusiasts. Check out his blog to know about the latest trends in AI, what companies are using it, who the key people in the AI world are etc.

Photo Credit: Artificial Intelligence blog

We love what he says about himself in his blog “I do not aspire to be an AI researcher, I aspire to be an AI practitioner.”

To explore his more on his posts and work, click here


The businesses of tomorrow will be based upon AI and machine learning. Dr Jason Brownlee understands this and fuels this vision by helping out in the coding community on advanced ways to master machine learning.

Photo Credit: Machine Learning Mystery

If you’re a developer and want to understand more on machine learning , this is the guy to follow !

Check out his blog to know more. Click here

4. Prof. Geoffrey Hinton:

Okay he isn’t a blogger but his research and work makes him un-unmentionable !! He probably is the smartest AI scientist currently breathing oxygen on Earth. Yes, I think so! In the tech circle he is called the Godfather of Deep learning.

Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, Photo credit: Utoronto.ca

Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, Photo credit: Utoronto.ca

He is a cognitive psychologist and computer scientist known most for his spectacular work in artificial neural networks. He works at University of Toronto and Google.

Just search for his name and you’ll find millions of articles from him, about him, referencing him or based on his research. He’s there!

A fun fact about him : He is the great-great grandson of logician George Boole who invented Boolean Algebra and laid the foundation of the digital age and modern computer science. Cool isn't it ?

5. Andrew Ng:

One of the most recognizable faces in the AI space, Andrew Ng is a Chinese American computer scientist and current chief scientist at Baidu Research, Silicon Valley.

Andrew Ng , Photo credit : wired.com

In addition, he is an adjunct professor (formerly associate professor) at Stanford University. Andrew also co-founded online education platform — Coursera.

To read on what he says click here

Oh and maybe you’d love to watch the two visionaries talk to each other here.


This is a very interesting blog where not just the content is educational, informative and interesting but also has a higher focus on the business relevance of AI

To explore more on this, click here

Would love to know of more AI bloggers that you know of and admire. Do share them and I can add them to the list !!

P.S. — I am an ardent AI enthusiast and seek its business relevance each day because i know its the way to a productive tomorrow. In fact Ive just built an AI powered CRM tool called Alore. If you’d like to explore the tool click here

If you want to write to me and discuss on AI personally then I’d be happy to hear from you at vikas@plash.in

