Saving pockets of time.

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readSep 12, 2018

Why automation is good but using too many tools to automate is stupid

Losing pockets of times is what slumps productivity

End of day when we close the laptop, it often seems like we had a pretty hectic day, yet not much was achieved!

Despite our best intentions and actions, why did productivity drop? Even when we had a great automation tool stack to aid us!

The answer — We were losing pockets of time that killed our productivity.

— 40 minutes while exporting and sanitizing CRM database to create an email list for the email Tool.

— 30 minutes while using a software to record or transcribe the sales call for your manager.

— 5 minutes when Tool 1 wants email in the 1st column of the excel file and tool 2 wants it in the 3rd.

Using a large number of automation tools actually does the very opposite of what they were bought for. It’s a Catch 22 situation.

They cannibalize productivity — eating away small pockets of time. 5 minutes here, 50 there.

Two solutions emerge:

Minimise the number of tools used or use platforms.

Platforms seemingly are the better solution — Platforms fuel productivity.

Look at Facebook, Apple, Amazon. As platforms they standardize experience, data and save pockets of time — they become “That one place”

That one place where most of your needs are met and you dont go jumping around twenty tools to learn how to Tango.

Think about it.

P.S. — What is your favourite platform — the “One place” that helps you save multiple pockets of time?



Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh