The Magic Of Teamwork — Why It’s Still The Best Way To Succeed

The Productivity Revolution
4 min readAug 21, 2015

Originally published at

Source: just cute animals

Picture this: you and your friends decide to play football. You divide the players, tighten your boots and get ready to defeat the opponent team. But before you begin playing the game, you have to make a choice:

Do you play for your team, or for yourself?

You may wonder how does this choice matter, as long as you play your best. But, to be successful, that’s all that truly matters.

Shift your focus from yourself, to your team.

Whether you’re an employee, a musician or a sportsperson, your approach towards your work can have a huge impact on your team’s success. When you shift your focus from yourself to your team, you open up better possibilities to win.

Source: Life in group 5

This small shift can bring a slew of changes to the way you work. You’ll adopt a broader perspective on things. You’ll give credit to others for your achievements. You’ll do your job well and help others with theirs. You won’t sit inside your cabin and stress yourself out with issues, instead you’ll engage and solve it with others.

Simply put, you won’t narrow down your thoughts to yourself and let your ego consume you. You’ll open up, talk, help, interact and prepare for success together.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

When you work as a team, you accomplish more when compared to working alone. This is called synergy. You may be the most talented person in the room but your talent isn’t of any use if you don’t collaborate with your team and use your talent to yield results.

One of the best ways of strengthening your team and bringing laser-like focus to work is to fix on a common goal. This will bring everyone on the same page and allow the team to work with collective passion.

To iron out this process, you all can gather in a room and decide on the goals together. This allows people to take up tasks according to their individual strengths — a simple and faster way to get things done.

Team work is fun.

Work was meant to be fun, not a laborious process of pain. When you work as a team, the job that appears to be mountainous or uninteresting can become exciting to work on. All you you need is to get your brigade together and attack the job list like soldiers.

Source: Pinterest

Team work is nothing but building on each others’ thoughts so that you get better and braver each time, with each idea. The entire process becomes fun because teamwork encourages active engagement which leads to interesting conversations, bits of laughter and an insane amount of learning.

Teamwork lets you accomplish things faster.

Sometimes you feel a little lost while working on a new project, so you slowly start trudging ahead like a snail and eventually reach stagnation. The best part of working as a team is that it helps people get unstuck.

When you hit a wall of doubt while working and don’t know what to do next, there’s always going to be someone around to help you find your way through that maze. This keeps you away from making avoidable mistakes and allows your work to be unscathed by small issues. As a result, your work flow becomes smooth and swift, and you become more productive.

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