The Superpowers of (Super)women: The Most Powerful Strengths of Women

The Productivity Revolution
3 min readSep 1, 2015

Originally published at

Image source: Savingsangel

A woman is an amazing creation of nature, she is a mother, daughter, sister, lover, wife and is superior above all judgements. Being a woman is quite a challenging task, she leaves everything behind to be with her husband, she has the power to create life and she always tries to be the best friend and guide to her child.

Often silenced as the weaker section of society, but in reality women have been blessed with quite a few strengths, definitely more than the world would like to admit. Here’s a some of the powerful strengths of women that we’ve noticed. Feel free to add to the list.

1. Patience

Women are known for their sense of calmness and patience when under pressure — even if there’s a tough situation to be tackled. Women are usually more composed and less aggressive which helps them handle tension and complexities better than men.

2. Optimism

Image source: Shutterstock

Women are optimistic in nature and they see an opportunity to learn and prosper in every task. A woman’s main purpose as a mother, wife, friend and manager is to be a positive and supportive force in the lives of her loved ones.

3. Intuition

Women are great at picking up clues on how the people around them are feeling. They can understand people’s need faster and capable of reading facial emotions and expressions better than anyone else.

4. Empathy

Being a mother, daughter, sister and a wife, a woman is capable of understanding people who are close to her and show concern when it matters. Empathy is a quality that makes her a good communicator and enables her to make relationships stronger and better.

5. Management

Image source: Theguardian

Whether at home or at work, women are often known to be the glue that holds things together. Be it a family problem or an issue at the workplace, a woman assures that everything is secure and well-balanced.

6. Organization

Women are known to be more organized and can usually handle a lot of tasks at once like looking after kids, preparing food for the family and managing work at office. Their ability to get things moving and keep them organized makes them natural multi-taskers.

7. Collaboration

A woman can usually be seen inspiring and appreciating the achievements of others. A woman encourages openness at work, and believes in collaborative ideas, which in turn makes them better leaders than men.

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