Hola Hola productivity champions ! 😃

This is Deepika, one of the editors from the Productivity Revolution !!

This week I’m sharing three articles with you that I think you would enjoy reading !

Why Benjamin Franklin would have been the most productive startup founder ever!

Tips we founders can learn from the genius

What Your Startup Should Consider Before Moving Up Market To Enterprise Sales

This article is sure to give you tremendous insights on positioning your sales and your game plan !

How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley

Excerpts and lessons from David Kelley’s famous TED talk on building “Creative Confidence”

Your 18K+ subscribers strong publication — “The productivity Revolution” is now open to contributions. If you love writing on productivity/ leadership/ life/ motivation or entrepreneurship, feel at ease to send your submissions to deepika@plash.in so I can add you as a writer to the publication.

You can also submit your link here !!

Since its the GDPR era,thought I’d take a moment to share a note on the newsletter. Sending this letter is a feature provided by Medium to help us connect with you — our publication followers and share news and updates on what we’re up at the Productivity Revolution.

Our team does not have your email IDs or personal data except for a list of your Public Medium profiles which again we cannot export. :)

so yeah, we focus on one thing alone — Good content for you ! :)

Cheers !



Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh