“The Thursday 6" from the peeps @ “The Productivity Revolution”

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
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2 min readApr 26, 2018

Hola productivity champ ! 😊

Hope you’re having a fantastic time in your life !!

As promised, I’m sharing six interesting articles that you might enjoy this week. For your convenience, I’ve categorized them into two clusters - workplace and personal productivity, so you can choose well if you’re short of time ! :)

After-all, there’s always so much to do and such little time !! 😉 😉

Workplace productivity:

Rad productivity tips for the rock-star sales manager

Talks about increasing sales productivity by effective onboarding, right automation etc.

3 Tips to cold connect on LinkedIn

Actionable tips on how to connect on LinkedIn and have people “really” connect with the person and not a LinkedIn account.

6 fantastic Sales Closing Techniques that every hustler must use and know of — Productivity Revolution

learn more about the adjournment close, delighter close, concession close etc.

Personal productivity:

The most offbeat way that helped me avoid complete burnout — Data !!

This is rather my personal account of facing burnout very recently 😅

Well, there are hundreds, but going through them all would be distracting, so here’s our 5 favorite hacks to say no to distractions

Tips on steering clear of distractions in life.

These 67 books teach Entrepreneurship better than a Harvard MBA !!!

A list of 67 books that have helped us shape our lives and not just work. I’d suggest you bookmark this one. 😎 😎

Also like I mentioned last time, we plan to make your beloved publication “The productivity Revolution” open to contributions. If you love writing on productivity/leadership/life/motivation or entrepreneurship, drop me a line with a sample article to deepika@plash.in and explore the option of writing for “The productivity Revolution”. We begin May’18

Cheers !




Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh