Understanding why sales outreach campaigns work

Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution
2 min readApr 3, 2019

Crisp note on why mass sales outreach works and always will.

Finding True positive — Image credit: Unsplash

As a SaaS startup marketer, I have done both — Inbound and Outbound — The quintessential push and pull marketing.

After years of experience, I am confident of knowing a few things about what I do 😉

However, a lot of people think of sales outreach campaigns as spray and pray. They’re anything but !

Thought I’d lay out a very crisp logic to why outbound works and why it’s not something businesses looking to scale can miss.

Outbound helps gain short term velocity to create a sales pipeline, ramp up revenue etc. Of course, it’s not something that will fetch leads forever. The lifespan of campaigns ranges between days to weeks.

You fail or you succeed, you do it real quick which gives you the flexibility to experiment more.

and the geeks here can understand it better this way 😊

1.False Positives

People who are exposed to your campaign but don’t need you or don’t respond to your emails or ads.

e.g., I head marketing at Alore CRM which is a SaaS sales automation platform. If Salesforce or Pipedrive send me an email just thinking I'm a marketer or salesperson and might need one, I'm a false positive to them. I have already taken care of my need and not looking to change.

2. True Positives

People who are in your campaigns didn’t know you yet but NEED you. You reach them at a time that they needed you is actually helpful to them.

e.g., If someone from a recruitment agency reaches me and says they have digital marketers and inside sales experts, I'd be happy to connect with them immediately because that's something I'm searching for. Im a true positive to them.

When you are reaching out in mass campaigns- emails, calls, Google ads, social media ads etc., you are looking for the true positives to self-select themselves !!

That’s all.

More curated your reach out list and criteria are, higher is the percentage of the True positives and eventually conversion.

For those of you who’d like to keep reading these micro-nuggets on sales and marketing campaigns- Let's connect on LinkedIn where I'm more regular!

Also nicer when we can add a face to the name in the digital world, don't you think? 😺





Deepika Singh
The Productivity Revolution

Passionate about life, family, friends, mountains & startup growth !! Tweeting stuff that interests me @dipicasingh