5 Things You Should Do Every Morning

Soubhagya Sahu
Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2021
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

morning is the crucial part of the day, if we are able to manage our morning then we are able to finish our work, get things done quickly, and become more active during our day.

so we need to shape up our morning routine by doing some tiny little things with big results.

1. Make your bed

This one-minute habit can make you happier and more productive all day long.

In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg writes that getting into the routine of making your bed every morning is correlated with increased productivity.

Making your bed doesn’t necessarily cause you to get more done at work, Duhigg writes, but it’s a “keystone habit” that can spark “chain reactions that help other good habits take hold.”

In addition to being more productive, people who consistently make their beds also tend to have “a greater sense of well-being and stronger skills at sticking with a budget.

2. Drink water:

You wouldn’t go a day without a drop of water so imagine how thirsty your body is after eight hours of snoozing. Not only will drinking water help you rehydrate, but a small study has also found that drinking 500 ml of the stuff can boost your metabolism by 30 percent.

Plus, water makes up 50 to 80 percent of our body weight, and every single cell, tissue, and organ we’re composed of requires it to function. Consuming the right amount of water per day can boost energy, maintain brain function, regulate digestion and assist weight loss and maintenance.

3. Meditate:

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Use that snooze time you skipped and spend at least 10 minutes meditating in the morning.

Research has found that practicing meditation is basically the best for health, helping to reduce stress, manage anxiety, increase productivity, help weight loss, motivate you to exercise and make you a nicer person.

4. Get some sunlight:

Want to make that early workout work even harder for you? Do it outside in the sun. Getting sunlight first thing in the morning tells your body clock it’s time to start the day, Goel explains.

Research out of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shows that those who are exposed to natural light earlier in the morning have lower BMIs regardless of diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors.

“If a person doesn’t get sufficient light at the appropriate time of day, it could de-synchronize your internal body clock, which is known to alter metabolism and can lead to weight gain,” said study senior author Dr. Phyllis Zee.

Photo by Leon Biss on Unsplash

5. Plan the day:

Planning the day, week, or month ahead is an important time-management tool to keep you on track when you’re in the thick of it. Using the mornings to do big-picture thinking helps you prioritize and set the trajectory of the day.

One banking exec turned teacher told Vanderkam she wakes at 5 a.m. on weekdays, exercises, reads a few Bible verses, and reviews her tasks for the day before making breakfast. She said this ritual makes her days more manageable and effective.



