7 Google Keep Tips & Tricks to Become More Productive

Mater the craft of being a pro!

Soubhagya Sahu
4 min readSep 24, 2021



This is a full tutorial of google keep amazing tips and tricks in 2021. These tips will help you organize your notes, getting your things done, and maintaining a stress-free life.

Google keep is a note-taking application by google. It is a small, useful, and simple interface app that helps you to capture your ideas, thoughts, and to-do list for later use or save notes.

Organize with labels

Labels are like categories and they organize your notes. If there are lots of notes you have taken, then definitely label your notes like business, work, personal or school, or any other names as you are comfortable.

This will organize your notes and further when you want a specific note you can visit the labels section to find it.

Organizing this will help you to consume less time and destress yourself. You can also add labels by typing ” # ” in the note.

Organize with colors

After labeling you can color code the notes to look attractive and eye-catching.

if you give specific color for a specific type of note you can find easily that note.


Pin Notes

You definitely have recurring tasks or those notes you want to see very often you can do so by pinning those notes and when you visit later you will see the notes are at the top.

  • On the desktop you can pin by hovering the pin you will see a little pin option on the top right-hand side and after clicking that you the note will be at the top.
  • Similarly, on mobile, you can do so by clicking the note and you will see three options the first one on the left side is the pin option.

Also read: Google Keep review

Record anywhere

Suppose you are outside from your home, your mind struck an idea and you don’t have anything to write on or don’t have time to write.

But on google keep you can record your thoughts and listen to them later when you need.

You can open the google keep app on mobile and on below there are lots of options but you will see a mic option they also click that to record.

Record everything you want to capture.

Goole keep will detect your language and will copy the statement you record and you can visit the note and recording whenever you want.

Set reminders

You wrote a note and you want to memorize the note later and you can do by setting reminders.

The reminder will help you to send the notification, the time you set on the reminder.
You can set reminders,

  • On desktop, hover on the note you want to set a reminder, then you will see on the bottom left corner a bell option click on that and select your time or specific time to set.
  • On mobile, click on the note then select the bell option right after the pin option and set.

Also read: 29 Most Effective and Proven Time Management Techniques

Location reminder

This one is very interesting when I first discovered it was awesome for me.
You can also set reminders on location-based. Suppose you are in India and you are going to London then you can set reminders on a note by selecting the desire location.

And after you reach that location the app will notify you. How cool is that?

  • On mobile and desktop, you can do this by going as “set reminder” tip and you will see the select place option on the bottom.

Also read: Steal like an artist summary:

Archive Unessasry

When you note everything and you will see the app will see messy will outdated information you don’t want to see and you avoid those notes by achieving those.

The archive option will hide notes from the homepage and you can visit the archive tab whenever you need to see those notes.

Pro tip: Don’t delete any notes, you may find them useful later instead of the archive.


Trash unwanted

Those notes which are not necessary or not require can delete those notes and the note will go to the trash folder and notes are deleted after 30 days period or you can delete them instantly by going to the trash folder and permanently delete the notes.

  • On desktop, you can delete by hovering the note and you will three-dot click that and you will see the delete note option. Or simply hover and press the delete option from your keyboard.
  • On mobile also click on note> click on three dots > delete.

Click here to read the full 21 tips article.



Soubhagya Sahu

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