Elon Musk, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey uses this method to manage their time.

what about you? how you manage your time?

Soubhagya Sahu
4 min readJan 8, 2022


Images: Wikipedia and combined in canva.com

Have you heard of time blocking? How do these successful people man their life? Benjamin franklin, bill gates, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey; how do these peoples manage their time?

Let’s learn about it!

Time is such a valuable asset where every people should invest in and get intrinsic results.

Most successful people are successful because they manage their time to get the most possible results.

Most people use time blocking to manage time. Time blocking is dividing the time into specific blocks or specific tasks to do.

Most of the successful people like Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter and Square), Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen and cal Newport use time blocking to manage time.

image: Wikipedia

The origin of time blocking

Time blocking is a very old method that people use in calendars. There is no evidence of the first use of time blocking.

While the first user was unknown, Benjamin Franklin was an early user of time blocking.

In their autobiography written by himself “The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” tells how he uses time blocking.

He blocked their time for sleeping, meals, recreation, and two hours for lunch also

What is Time blocking?

google calander
screenshot of my google calendar

Time blocking is simply dividing your calendar into a small section of tasks or to-dos.

This method is popularised by Elon Musk, and how he uses time blocking to manage their time.

This can be made weekly, monthly, or even daily. You can just block your specific time to a specific time on your day and you can use weekly be doing a particular thing on a day (that even called day theme-ing) like jack Dorsey does.

He describes the schedule by saying,

On Monday, at both companies, I focus on management and running the company…Tuesday is focused on product. Wednesday is focused on marketing and communications and growth. Thursday is focused on developers and partnerships. Friday is focused on the company and the culture and recruiting. Saturday I take off, I hike. Sunday is reflection, feedback, strategy, and getting ready for the week. — Jack Dorsey

Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen uses time blocking for his free time, time to think, and sleeping time.

Bill gates and cal Newport also use time blocking to schedule their time.

Cal Newport author of deep work spends 20 minutes in the evening to schedule their calendar for the next day.

Sometimes people ask why I bother with such a detailed level of planning. My answer is simple: it generates a massive amount of productivity. A 40-hour time-blocked work week, I estimate, produces the same amount of output as a 60+ hour work week pursued without structure.” — Cal Newport

The only mission of this method is to get attention to one thing and achieve more in less amount of time.

This makes a sense of urgency to finish up any work and get it completed.

There are 4 steps of blocking time.

  1. The planning stage: where you plan your tasks according to your priorities and importance level.
  2. The Blocking stage: where you block your every bit of time, every minute of your time.
  3. The acting stage: where you act on your tasks get complete and take breaks in short intervals.
  4. The revisiting stage: where you adjust your time if tasks get longer or shorter.

Time blocking helps us to finish our tasks in less time with less distraction and avoids multitasking.

There are some similar concepts that also allow you to divide your time in other ways.

  • Time Batching: batch your specific time to a specific task no matter how much time it costs to complete. E.g: I will read all the emails at 5 pm.
  • Day theme-ing: what jack Dorsey uses, dividing the specific day for the specific work. E.g: Monday for writing, Tuesday for promotion, Wednesday for researching, etc.

Best time blocking apps you can use

There are many applications where you schedule your time using time blocking method like,

  • Google Calendar
  • Todoist
  • Tick tick
  • Plan
  • Sunsama


Take control of your time by scheduling your most productive hours where you get your things done without any distraction, procrastination, or laziness.

Let me know in the comment, which method do you use to manage your time? can time blocking help you to manage your time?



Soubhagya Sahu

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