Launching: What-If, Showcase Your Creative Design And Thought Leadership

Karthick Prabu
Product Locus
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2017

“What-If” — this new section is about showcasing your various thought leadership led articles and articles that bring out new UI/UX design for an existing or new product. The only difference is, all of these articles will speak about the future, and hence the name “what-If”.


Some examples of thought leadership led articles

  • What if WhatsApp launches a revenue model in future? What all it can venture into? How will the product change?
  • What if Zomato and Swiggy merge? Business reasoning behind this, how will the new product look?
  • When Airbnb accelerates its investment pedal in India, what will happen to the Indian OTAs that are heavily dependent on its hotel business? How will Indian OTAs pivot?
  • Why did “Pokemon Go” go viral? What’s the insight?

Some concept examples of new UI/UX led articles

  • How Google’s search result page can be redesigned to maximize value for end users, increase ad revenue for Google, increase value for advertisers?
  • An all new design for OLA app
  • If LinkedIn gets a Cleartrip-ish style redesign, how it will look?
  • What are all the possible evolutions of push notification? (video based, interactive, etc)

First article in What-If section is already live, click on link below to read it:

You can contribute articles in any of the two sections — thought leadership or design led. We will publish your article with your author bio box at the bottom of the article.

As the readers of Product Locus are product managers, designers, product marketers, and technologists, you will get varied inputs for your articles.

Send your articles to

