About ProductManager-Africa

Building a network of Product Managers in Africa

1 min readApr 9, 2018



Product Management in Africa is an emerging discipline. There is no formal training and most product managers are learning on the job and through online research. We are mostly “Accidental Product Managers”.

Our aim is to build a networking and learning opportunity for our community of Product Managers in different industries. It will also bring together top talent to share knowledge and elevate digital product innovation in Africa.

Our Slack Community

In July 2016, our slack community was born in order for aspiring and experienced PMs to connect, organize meetups, share resources and share information on job opportunities in the market.

To be part of this growing community, click here to join us. See you in our Slack community.

Publish your Article with us

We’d love to think about our curated medium stories as a product management blog by Africans for Africans.

If you’ve love to be a writer or submit your product related articles to productmanager-africa, please reach out to the admins on slack, with your Medium username, using the channel #writers-request.

NB: Authors retain full rights to their work, and can remove their article at any time.

