Product Manager Africa’s (PM Africa) Job Board

Al Ibekwe
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2022
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

All entries are recent and this page was last updated on the 17th of August 2023

We realized that most job boards are generic so we decided to create a job board that’s focused on Product-related job openings. The openings have been categorized by the expected level of experience for easy access. Click “Apply here” and you’d be redirected to the Application page. Good luck!

P.S. Product Manager Africa is not involved in the hiring process. All we do is share opportunities we come across. That being said, you are expected to conduct your own research and verify the authenticity of each job opening before sending in an application.

Available Roles

  1. Check DC is hiring a Project Manager. Click here to apply
  2. Palmpay is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply
  3. Stears is looking for a Product Designer. Click here to apply
  4. Fluna is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply
  5. Aiti is looking for a female senior Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  6. EdTech is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  1. Veed is looking for a Senior Product Manager . Click here to apply.
  2. Kuda is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  3. Spotted Zebra is hiring a Senior Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  4. Baobab Insurance is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  5. Shine is hiring a Senior Product Manager. Click here to apply.
  6. Crowdhelix is hiring a Product Manager. Click here to apply.

You can subscribe to our weekly job adverts here

Remember, sharing is caring so if you found this job board useful, kindly share it with family, friends, colleagues, and other people in your network. If you are an employer looking to hire for Product-related roles, send an email to and we would publish the job opening here.

If you are thirsty for more Product-related content, join our 3,000+ strong community of product managers by clicking here. See you there!

