The 5 Best Free Online Retrospective Tools for Your Team

Friedrich Politz
Product People
Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2021


Whether the pandemic has moved your entire team to home office or you are working with remote colleagues: You were very likely on the hunt for an online retrospective tool at some point or are looking for one right now.

The good news is: Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, the market for online retro tools has seen a good increase in demand which puts us in the lucky position to have plenty of options to choose from.

TeleRetro in action.

I had the amazing opportunity to give all the tools mentioned in this article an individual spin with my team. All (except for Miro) were tested out in one or more real-world retrospectives.

Before looking into each option, it’s worth mentioning that the majority of these online retro tools are based on a freemium model. While most of their core functionality (I’ll get to that in a minute) is free, some premium features have to be paid for.

Not all freemium tiers look the same, that’s why there are some major differences between those services. The most important features are captured in bullets.

The reason why goes first is that comes with one of the most complete free feature sets an online retrospective tool can offer. Hence, I will use it as a bit of a benchmark going…



Friedrich Politz
Product People

Engineering Manager and code junkie by day, hobby chef, musician and learning enthusiast by night.