30 Days of Product Management Genius with Suzanne Abate | Approaches to Product Roadmapping

Aero Wong
Product Quest
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2017

“What’s your long-term career goal?” the CEO asked.

“I don’t have a long-term goal, yet.” I was answering a question in the final interview for a Product position. “But I have one for the short-term: become a Product Manager.”

“Okay. We’ll see,” he replied, ending the interview. Three days later, I landed the job. I was going to facilitate a product powered by cutting-edge technology that I barely knew. Besides being in over my head with the technology, I didn’t even know what I was supposed to do as a Product Manager!

I didn’t know how to achieve my goal: I didn’t just want to survive as a Product Manager, I wanted to thrive! I was nervous, but my desire to learn helped me focus on my next steps. I hired a researcher to provide me with all the information and online tutorials I needed to learn about Product Management, and I acquired a list of thought leaders in this domain.

A week later, I was like a piranha swimming in the ocean of knowledge. Tapping into all the genius of those who came before me, soaking up all of their combined wisdom, I quickly learned as much as I could and applied this to my new job. Senior Management was amazed by my acumen and Product Management skills.

Suzanne Abate is a Product Management genius who contributed to my PM success.

Approaches to Product Roadmapping

100 Product Managers was the first podcast I explored when I started out on my PM journey.

Abate is the face and voice of that community. Though she says, “I’m more of a facilitator to create an ongoing conversation and more interaction among the Product Managers at all levels of seniority, from aspiring to novice to seasoned product managers.”

She says a product roadmap communicates the why and what behind the product you’re building. It’s a guiding strategic document as well as a plan for executing the strategy. A roadmap is a high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of your product offering over time.

Are you a Product Manager? Are you hungry for practical and actionable PM knowledge you can apply on your job?

Suzanne Abate is a speaker in the Product Manager Summit: The first FREE Web Conference showcasing Product Management best practices from around the world.

In her session, Approaches to Product Roadmapping, she’ll conduct a masterclass to walk us through a step-by-step guide to creating your product roadmap.

You don’t want to miss this. Claim your free ticket.

