A Non-Linear Journey: How Sneha Launched Geeks and Experts to Bridge the Gap Between Professionals and Domain Experts

Products by Women
Products by Women Journal
5 min readMar 28, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of work, Sneha Saigal, a Mumbai-born entrepreneur, co-founded Geeks and Experts, a platform that connects professionals with domain experts for personalized advice and guidance. Her non-linear career path, including an MBA from IESE Business School in Barcelona and a WSET Level 2 Wine Sommelier certification, has informed her unique approach to entrepreneurship.

Geeks and Experts was born from Sneha’s own need for expert advice as an immigrant professional. She recognized the limitations of traditional networking channels, such as warm introductions or cold DMs, and sought to create a more accessible way for entrepreneurs and professionals to connect with experts.


The platform has seen numerous success stories, including a user who initially sought advice on their MVP, later received a pitch deck review, and ultimately won a grant. Sneha attributes this success to the meaningful one-on-one conversations enabled by Geeks and Experts.

As the gig economy and side hustles continue to grow in popularity, Sneha sees Geeks and Experts as a valuable resource for professionals navigating this new landscape. The platform empowers subject matter experts, solopreneurs, and niche domain specialists to share their knowledge and help others succeed.

Throughout her journey, Sneha has received invaluable advice, such as focusing on lessons rather than losses. This mindset has allowed her to approach her startup as a lifelong learner, emphasizing the importance of continuous growth and development.

Sneha’s diverse interests, including her wine sommelier certification and writing, have shaped her approach to entrepreneurship. By cultivating passions outside of her work, she maintains a healthy work-life balance and resists the allure of toxic hustle culture.

One key resource in Sneha’s journey is the book Make Time by John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp. The book has taught her the importance of managing her energy and focusing on daily tasks tied to her top goal, ensuring that she makes meaningful progress every day.

When asked about an entrepreneur she admires, Sneha would choose Deepica Mutyala, the founder of Live Tinted. Mutyala’s resilience and authenticity have inspired Sneha, and she would be eager to learn how Mutyala stays motivated in the face of rejection.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those from minority and immigrant communities, Sneha offers three invaluable tips: Don’t wait for permission, praise, or a plan to start; focus on execution rather than preparation; and never be afraid to ask for advice, feedback, or introductions.

Sneha’s non-linear journey and the creation of Geeks and Experts highlight the power of turning personal needs into opportunities. By staying true to her own experiences and embracing her diverse interests, Sneha has built a platform that is poised to shape the future of work for professionals and entrepreneurs alike.

As Geeks and Experts garners more attention, Sneha aims to expand the platform’s reach by forging strategic partnerships and collaborations. She envisions a future where professionals from all walks of life can easily access personalized advice and resources to navigate the increasingly complex professional landscape.

In addition to growing the platform, Sneha is committed to creating a supportive community that encourages continuous learning, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices. By fostering a strong network of experts and professionals, Geeks and Experts can become an essential resource for those looking to launch, scale, or pivot their businesses.

To stay ahead of the curve, Sneha plans to invest in cutting-edge technology and features that enhance the user experience and facilitate seamless connections between experts and users. She believes that the combination of technology and human expertise can drive the platform’s success in the long term.

Sneha’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere, demonstrating that non-linear career paths can lead to unique and innovative solutions that address pressing needs in the market. As Geeks and Experts continues to make waves in the professional world, Sneha’s passion for bridging the gap between professionals and domain experts shines through.

With an unwavering commitment to the success of her platform and the empowerment of professionals worldwide, Sneha is poised to redefine the future of work. By turning her own experiences and challenges into a powerful solution, she has created a platform that has the potential to transform the way entrepreneurs and professionals connect, learn, and grow.

As Geeks and Experts continues its upward trajectory, one thing is certain: Sneha’s non-linear journey has led her to create a platform that will leave a lasting impact on the professional world. Her dedication to creating a diverse and inclusive space for knowledge sharing and growth will undoubtedly inspire countless others to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys.

In the years to come, Sneha and Geeks and Experts will likely become synonymous with the evolution of professional development, helping individuals adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape. By continuously improving and expanding the platform, Sneha aims to ensure that Geeks and Experts remains at the forefront of innovation in the realm of expert advice and guidance.

For those who follow Sneha’s story, her journey serves as a reminder that the path to success is often non-linear, and that embracing one’s diverse interests and experiences can lead to the creation of groundbreaking solutions. Sneha’s perseverance, passion, and vision have laid the foundation for Geeks and Experts to become an essential resource for professionals worldwide.

The success of Geeks and Experts is a testament to Sneha’s ability to turn challenges into opportunities, and her story serves as an inspiration to entrepreneurs everywhere. As the platform continues to grow, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of work, empowering professionals and experts to connect, collaborate, and succeed.

As Sneha looks to the future, her focus remains on leveraging the power of human connection and technology to transform the professional landscape. With Geeks and Experts at the helm, there’s no doubt that Sneha’s non-linear journey will continue to inspire and empower entrepreneurs and professionals for years to come.

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