Mujeres on the Rise: An online platform dedicated to the empowerment and support of Latina women

Products by Women
Products by Women Journal
4 min readFeb 24, 2022


I’m Melba Tellez, the founder of Mujeres on the Rise. I started this platform in 2019 after realizing how hard it was for me to establish my career as a Latina. Truth be told, I had no idea what I was doing. As a first-gen college student, I was paving my own way, making mistakes, and figuring things out as I went.

In a matter of years, I went from being a high-school dropout to a marketer at a top tech company.

My first semester of graduate school was the hardest because a) there weren’t many women that looked like me, and b) I had no network and no connections to turn to for support.

After multiple rejections, career heartbreak (yes, that’s a thing!), and successfully navigating self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and heavy doses of fear, I decided to launch Mujeres on the Rise.

Take this as an opportunity to learn from my mistakes, connect with other amazing mujeres, and discover the strength you didn’t know you had.

Remember: It does not matter where you start; all that matters is that you do.

Mujeres on the Rise is an online platform dedicated to the empowerment and support of Latina women. Since sharing our first topic of the week via Instagram on June 17, 2019, our goal has been to help women by giving them the encouragement, support, and resources they need to conquer their dreams and break generational cycles.

What inspired you to start working on your business idea?

I started Mujeres on the Rise after realizing how hard it is to establish your career as a Latina. Unfortunately, most of the career resources that do exist don’t focus on helping women of color, women with unconventional background, first-gens, or women who are trying to break toxic generational cycles. Mujeres on the Rise aims to change that by meeting women where they are and helping them navigate their unique challenges.

Were there any big surprises or challenges you encountered along the way as you were building and scaling your business?

There were many. One of the biggest surprises was how many hats you have to wear when you are just starting out. When I founded the company back in 2019, I was the social media manager, the business strategist, the accountant, the marketer, the coach, and everything in between.

Tell us — how were you able to bring your idea from concept to completion and how did the very first version of your product or MVP look like?

I was able to bring my coaching services and courses to life by leveraging my online community and taking time to understand my audience and what they truly need. When it comes to launching something new, you cannot make assumptions about what people want or need — you have to do your research.

Any exciting initiatives in the pipeline?

I am launching a podcast on Feb 21st, 2022 that aims to bring even more resources and information to Latina women.

​​What’s the biggest risk your business ever took?

The biggest risk was putting myself out there and using my funds to create something from scratch.

What’s one thing you wish you’d done differently?

I wish I had taken more time to chat with other entrepreneurs beforehand to learn about the intricacies of launching something new.

The most important skills and traits entrepreneurs should possess?

Innate curiosity and genuine passion for the work. When I started Mujeres on the Rise, I honestly had no intention of turning it into a coaching business. I simply started because I wanted to give back to my community. Being a business owner is a lot of work, so I think it’s important to know your ‘why’ because that will keep you going when things get tough.

Your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Don’t compare your journey to others.

A quote you live by?

It doesn’t matter where you start, all that matters is that you do.

Your mentors?

Brenda Hernandez from Ellas Media

Have a story to tell? We are all ears! Email us at —! Products by Women is a global diverse community-led network for women in tech and business!

