A Better Rotten Tomatoes

Dylan Flinn
2 min readJan 31, 2013

Rotten Tomatoes and MetaCritic suck. There, I said it. Why do I care about an aggregation of what EVERYONE thinks about a certain movie, game or album?????

They often incorrectly judge how I will feel about a movie. I (shamelessly) love romantic comedies like The Ugly Truth (13%) and stoner/action comedies like Pineapple Express (68%). I’m insulted.

I know first-hand why aggregates of everyone’s ratings are combined. Because they are one of the best judges of Commercial Success. A Metacritic rating can pretty accurately judge how well a video game will sell. This attracts big commercial super-users and advertisers.

So there’s the problem, now let my explain a solution…

www.ReelAdvice.com (working title, even though I’m not actually working on it.)

You join and are immediately prompted to rate 10 widely-reviewed movies. You also enter 5 of your favorite genres, and 3 of your favorite movies withing those genres. Trust me, it’s worth the work.

You are then paired with 5 - 10 Movie Critics that you can “follow.” These are YOUR critics, you will trust them and build a relationship with them. You can fine-tune these relationships and followings over time, so you find the perfect critics FOR YOU.

Am I crazy or am I genius?

