Leveraging Human Psychology — Marketing to the Tribal

Human beings are social animals. We are drawn to play on teams and join clubs and own pets and make friends. Like the old quote goes: “No man is an island.” There is a reason, after all, why prison inmates who go into solitary confinement start hearing voices. We weren’t made to be alone.

Having said all of that — we are also simultaneously selective about whom and with what we associate. Who would want to be involved with organizations that don’t reflect one’s values? Does anyone hang out with a group of friends who don’t in some way mirror our own self-image or traits for which we have great respect?

Why do you think Applebee’s has had such great success? Walk into your local Applebee’s restaurant, and you’ll see murals and pictures featuring local high school sports teams. People want to go where they are reminded of who they are. There is no separating ourselves from our tribes.

And there is no greater manifestation of our tribal instincts in American society than in the realm of commercialism. What we buy reflects how we want to be depicted. So the challenge for you as a small business owner is identifying to which tribe your customers belong. PC or Apple? Red Sox or Yankees? Catholic or Protestant? Hipster or Corporate? If you can somehow relate your product to some greater group or identity, then you will have at your disposal a built-in consumer base. To this end, proper branding will help acquire entire tribes of loyal customers.

Advertising Strategies:

  1. Local Tribes — They say that all politics is local. Well, I think all business is, too. Associate your product with your local culture and traditions, and you will gain your most loyal customer base possible.
  2. Cultural/Ethnic Tribes — If you consider yourself part French Canadian, then you know just how important meat pie is during the holidays. Selling some piecrust in the Northeast? It would probably be a good idea to add “Great for meat pies” to the label.
  3. Life Stage Tribes — Are you the parent of a daughter celebrating her sweet 16? You’re probably looking for specific items needed for such an occasion. If you’re searching for cake mix at the store and spot a cake mix box that says “Sweet 16” on it, then you’re more likely to purchase it. Link your product to a life event and you will increase your sales accordingly.
  4. Insecurity Tribes — The biggest consumerist tribe includes those who are buying things to fill some void in their lives. Going through a midlife crisis? There’s a sports car for that. Just break up with your boyfriend? A relaxing day at the spa is for you! Not getting enough romantic attention? A trip to the nearest Nordstrom’s to buy a trendier collection of clothing could be the answer. Want to seem more hip in front of your coworkers? It’s time to ditch that phone from 2010 and replace it with a new iPhone. Buying things is often about buying into an identity. Relate your product to a desired identity and your profits will increase.

Effectively Marketing to the Tribal — A Case Study

You fancy yourself a rugged and independent man. So why don’t you have a Marlboro cigarette in your mouth? This classic ad by Marlboro allures the consumer with an opportunity to become a modern day cowboy if would only he smoke a Marlboro cigarette. How many adolescent men want to be part of that tribe? More than a few … which is what makes this ad so effective.



Ryan Bilodeau
Products to People: The Mechanics of Marketing

God, family, country. Teacher & author. Ardent about helping the homeless. Big fan of marketing, sports, poetry, politics & hip-hop. | http://ryanbilodeau.com