Getting a Product Manager Interview: The Checklist

Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia
Product School
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2016

Applying for Product Manager Positions? We have all been there, and we all know it can be intimidating to get started. You have to fit the mould of what companies want from a Product Manager, but also stand out from the crowd. If you find yourself applying and applying and applying with no results, you might need to change up your strategy.

Here’s the ultimate checklist for what do to to land, and ace, a Product Manager interview.

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Setting up your online presence

How do you stand out from others whilst simultaneously showing off you have all the skills needed for the job? Get online!

  • Buy a domain if you don’t have one. Use sites like SquareSpace to get a personal website and blog up quickly.
  • Add at least 5 blog articles over the next 5 weeks. They could be reviews/comparisons of your favorite PM tools, summaries of conferences you attended, or in-depth looks at the lifecycle of famous products. (We don’t mind you browsing our blog for inspiration 😉)
  • Update your resume and make it available online
  • Make your LinkedIn scream “Product”
  • Use LinkedIn to promote your blog by sharing your articles
  • Ask for recommendations from your Product School instructor
  • Fill in your description about your passion and why you want to work in product
  • Clean up social media accounts — either set them to private or remove anything you wouldn’t want seen by potential employers
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Work on a side project

Side projects show your entrepreneurial spirit and that you’re serious about the product world. It helps you stand out, gives you some extra experience, and something you can talk about passionately in an interview!


Network, network, network!

Sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you know!


Before the Interview

So you’ve landed yourself an interview! This doesn’t mean you should stop preparing.

  • Collect, study and practice your response to interview questions
  • Become a product manager and make yourself the product
  • Clean up any portfolios or mockups you plan to bring with you
  • Re-read your resume/LinkedIn profile and double check for any misinformation
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PS, if you’re looking to get a job at a particular company, we have a blog series that might help:

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Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia
Product School

CEO at Product School — Global leader in product management training