📺 Intro to Product Strategy, how to use emojis in design & discover Bilibili: a fascinating app from China / PM Snacks #30

Olivier Courtois
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2021

1️⃣ Intro to Product Strategy w/ Gibson Biddle (ex VP Product Netflix)
Apr 2020 • 48 min watch • #strategy
A lot of wisdom on Product Strategy in this webinar, featuring interactions with the audience that actually help you understand the subject. Gibson Biddle shares:
1/ His frameworks (GLEe, DHM, GEM, SMT). You can find more on medium
2/ Demonstrate his points through two cases: Should Netflix launch a “party” feature? Should Netflix launch a custom playback speed at the risk of altering the original art? The answers are in this must watch video

2️⃣ The Product Manager’s Flowchart
Mar 2021 • 3 min read • #execution
A short article doing a great job at displaying the main steps & touchpoints in a product process. Potentially useful for people in scale-ups or even bigger companies. My take aways:
1/ The many different ways of gathering insights & ideas: from executive strategy meetings to usual qualitative & quantitative discovery
2/ The reminders to externalise as much as possible your artefacts: insights, ideas, roadmaps
3/ The importance of syncing activities as the company grows (engineering, design, stakeholders)

3️⃣ 3 Common User Onboarding Myths Busted
Mar 2021 • 10 min read • #ux #productledgrowth
In a nutshell:
1/ Onboarding your users doesn’t start after the signup, but at the first touch, nor does it end when they pay
2/ It’s actually a series of “aha” moments leading to 3 important moments: the user perceive the value of the product (= you create a slack team & grasp how it could help the team), he really experiences it (= you send your first messages to coworkers), he becomes retained (= your team reach 2000 messages & can’t live without Slack)
3/ This process is a cycle that has to be repeated multiple times to stick and scale with new features

4️⃣ Emojis: set rules how to use them in your product
Mar 2021 • 7 min read • #design
You may have guessed by now that I love to use emojis in my writing… but what about apps I design? You should obviously respect a few rules:
1/ Acknowledge their meanings and variance through culture. Avoid at all costs ambiguity & be inclusive
2/ Limit their number, you don’t want your app to look like a LinkedIn post or like any other app
3/ Define rules before it’s too late

5️⃣ An introduction to Bilibili
Aug 2020 • 12 min read • #productculture
From time to time I’ll try to spotlight little known apps in my corner of the world. Today, meet Bilibili: a Chinese equivalent of Youtube + Twitch + Steam + Patreon focused on niche content, targeting Gen Z & valued at 38B$. In this article you’ll discover their surprising UX increasing frictions to foster a community (you can only comment after passing a 100 questions exam), their incredible +80% 12th-month retention rate & their unique monetization strategies (not dependent on advertising). Fascinating.

I’m Olivier Courtois, a product maker for 10y+, currently freelance, coach & Startup advisor, former VP Product comet & Product Director ManoMano.

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Olivier Courtois

10y+ in Product, now freelance / coach / advisor • Newsletter at productver.se • ex- VP-Product comet & Product Director ManoMano