Design in everyday life at foundations

Péter Fenyó Fenyvesi
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2023

I went on a study visit to Italy organized by ECFI, specifically designed for individuals involved with community foundations. As the chairman of the board for Ferencváros Community Foundation, I had the privilege of attending. During our trip, we had the opportunity to meet remarkable individuals and explore five different cities, as well as numerous foundations.

One of the most profound lessons I learned during the study visit was how effectively certain people embody the values and principles of their respective foundations in their everyday lives. In this article, I would like to highlight a few inspiring examples.

The following three principles serve as guiding lights:

  • Life happens🌱
  • Making beauty accessible to all 🌸
  • Open for everyone🌈

Allow me to share a story that beautifully captures these principles.

„Donna mia!”

While in Italy, we visited a place called Il Paese Ritrovato, which caters to elderly individuals with dementia. Essentially, it functions as a small town, complete with a coffee shop, church, fitness center, and more. One of their core values is encapsulated in the phrase, “Life happens — love, hate, and friendship reside within our walls;”

As we strolled through the various buildings and facilities, we encountered numerous residents who expressed genuine curiosity about us and posed their questions in Italian, naturally. At one point, while we were standing in a corridor, a lady approached, opened a door, spotted us, and exclaimed, “donna mia!” She promptly turned around and departed. Initially, I felt somewhat awkward and intrusive, as if we were obstructing the path of this elderly lady and disturbing her routine. However, I quickly realized that life has its unexpected moments, and it’s crucial to allow them to unfold naturally — just as Il Paese Ritrovato does for those they genuinely care about.

Our fantastic group in this little town

Beauty will save the world

This profound statement resonates strongly with the experience we had while visiting Catacombe di Napoli, operated by the San Gennaro Community Foundation. Located in a vibrant neighborhood, they have established a museum and undertaken various initiatives. Their motto, “beauty will save the world,” encapsulates their guiding philosophy. A symbolic artwork called “Demetra” by Mimmo Jodice represents their commitment to reconstruction.

One of their core values is that beauty is for everyone. Despite the neighborhood’s initial lack of aesthetic appeal, they embarked on a journey to introduce beauty to all its residents. Their rehabilitation efforts aimed to demonstrate that beauty surrounds them, even within their district.

In pursuit of this mission, they established a museum known as “The Catacombs of San Gennaro.” This architectural marvel not only welcomes all guests but also ensures accessibility for individuals using wheelchairs. Moreover, they have incorporated embossed surfaces into their exhibits, allowing visually impaired individuals to explore and experience the beauty through touch.

The message is clear: beauty is not exclusive; it is meant to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. By embracing this principle, the San Gennaro Community Foundation is making a profound impact in their community, proving that beauty has the power to transform lives and bring joy to all who encounter it.

Open for everyone

Foqus was a truly remarkable place — a community hub open to all. It encompassed a nursery, a college, various restaurants, and a diverse array of businesses, all in one location. People from different backgrounds, with different abilities, worked and frequented this vibrant establishment.

What made Foqus particularly special was its dedication to inclusivity. The team recognized that individuals with autism and Down syndrome perceive the world differently. Some may require visual aids such as pictures, while others respond better to tangible objects. At Foqus, they embraced the principle of being open to everyone 🌈 and took proactive steps to cater to the unique needs of these individuals.

They implemented distinct signage and communication strategies tailored specifically for people with autism and Down syndrome. By understanding and accommodating their diverse perspectives, Foqus created an environment where everyone could feel welcome and understood.

These examples serve as valuable lessons for incorporating values into product design and development. It can be challenging to align features with meaningful principles, but by following the footsteps of places like Foqus, we can witness the positive impact on the everyday lives of our users. It demonstrates how thoughtful consideration of different needs can make a substantial difference, ultimately making life easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

