Yoga to align your mind, body and soul

Profectus Magazine
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2022

It is time to shed the winter fat and the calories gained by attending all the marriages. Lazy as it seems but if waking up early and going for a run or jog is not your cup of tea, then, readers we have got your back. Exercising regularly is on everyone’s resolution list this year. ‘New resolution but old me. Ugghhhh!! Hate that? Well, there are certain forms of exercises which gives you as much as the stamina and energy as hitting the gym but at the comfort of your home. Yoga is one such ancient form of exercise which not keeps your body fit but when combined with breathing exercises and meditation helps you achieve the highest form of mental peace.

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The full-fledged results take time to show but it is worth it right? There are so many proven benefits of practicing yoga on daily basis. The best time to perform yoga is considered to be morning and if one doesn’t get time then one can even practice in the evening. The inclination towards yoga is so massive that the entire world is trying to adapt it. The yogis who have been doing this since years have mastered the art of life. There are so many proven health benefits of practicing yoga. It aligns the mind, body and soul. The main advantage it provides is that you necessarily do not require any equipment so anyone can be able to perform it. The benefits are listed as below:

  • It helps the body get flexible.
  • It reduces stress.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Promotes better sleep.
  • Regulates the hormones.
  • Increases libido.
  • One develops fine body posture.
  • Prevents hypertension.
  • Makes the skin glow.

Now one must be wondering where to start with. We will be sharing you three exercises to start with and benefits available.

  • The easiest and the most effective exercise of all time is ‘SURYA-NAMASKAR.’ It also holds a religious belief of revering the Sun God. Surya –namaskar utilizes all the body parts. It provides great flexibility in course of time. Repeating this exercise in the set of 3 and then gradually increasing it to 5 will manifold the benefits twice.
  • Another yoga exercise is the ‘TADASANA’ this exercise is so simple that needs no more instructions further. It is also known as the mountain pose. It is the easiest standing improves circulation, makes you agile, improves body posture and much more. Strengthens the muscles of the lower body.
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  • Last but not least, we recommend the famous ‘SHAVASANA’. It is such an asana which helps burns calories while you are doing almost nothing. This asana is mostly used at the end of all asana. It calms down the nervous system, bring mind to ease and therefore reducing stress. The literal meaning of the asana is to lie down like a ‘dead body’. Who knew, sleeping correctly was a form of exercise?
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Asana when incorporated with the right breathing techniques gives miraculous results.

This form of exercise was accepted by the people in ancient, medieval and in modern times. Our government has also taken an initiative to promote yoga nationally and internationally. Every 21st of June is celebrated as ‘The International Yoga Day’. As a fellow Indian it is something to be really very proud of and we should strive to make this traditional exercise as a part of routine.

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