25% Bonus — 12 Hours Only

Published in
7 min readJun 13, 2018

At Profede we are having a flash sale for 12 hours only tomorrow, the14th of June. Join our presale and sign up on our website to get the 25% discount. Be part of the next blockchain-based protocol that will empower professionals that get compensated each time that they approve and authorize to share their data.

Profede is not only a protocol that could disrupt the entire professional market but it brings control, power and transparency to users over the exchange of their data with requesting parties. Users can enhance their online experience by being compensated for each time that they send their personal or professional details to requesting parties. In today’s current online world, users are not only not compensated for sharing their data but they don’t have control over it either. Users sign up to free social networks by providing their data to those service providers,who then make billions off

Profede offers various investing advantages. Please find below is a list of some of these:

  • Huge potential — a horizontal protocol capable to disrupt a global market. As it is a protocol that can be used by infinite apps, this gives it huge potential. Profede is not an app depending on it’s users, but rather is a protocol that can be used by countless apps because both the apps and Profede will benefit from the partnerships. As such Profede has already signed agreements with companies such as beBee, Skyllz, TMP Worldwide Spain, Emmares and Talenthon in order for those to be just some of the apps that will be using Profede’s protocol.
  • High demand — the Token will trade in the best exchanges because it will be adopted by thousands of Apps and millions of users. Profede has already signed an agreement with Tokenize for our token to be listed on their exchange. Profede is already in talks with other exchanges to be listed once the crowdsale is finished.
  • Liquid asset — high liquidity and revaluation.
  • Game changer — professional users want to be compensated for the exchange of their data. Users are more aware these days of the fact that the online websites that they are using daily, are making billions off of the data creators data while the users themselves are making nothing. It’s time for this traditional model to change, as it’s time for users to be compensated for their data and time.
  • Quick market entry — Profede has already signed an agreement with beBee, a professional platform with 12 M registered users to adopt Profede’s protocol upon market entry. These 12 M will be rocketfuel for a quick market entry for Profede and help the protocol take off.

Profede is the next generation of professional data privacy investment. For all who want to see transparency and privacy to enhance over the changing of data online, then Profede is the protocol that you should support and consider for your next investment. Professional behavior and data is worth billions for businesses, Profede is here to bring some of that profit and compensation to the professionals who are the data creators themselves as they should have the right to benefit off of their own data.

Are the market conditions right at the moment to invest?

At the end of the day it comes down to you as an investor whether or not you feel confident in making the investment or not, but according to the hedge-fund Pantera Capital’s CEO Dan Morehead recently he stated that “all cryptocurrencies are very cheap right now.” Due to the drop in market prices, cryptocurrencies are more affordable now and could rise soon making a nice profit for those who invest in them now.

Markets for Etherium and Bitcoin have seen a drop in prices from their peaks in the past for Etherium at $847 and Bitcoin as high s $20,000. Etherium today is trading for $521 and Bitcoin today is trading at $6484, which means that at these low prices it could be a great time to buy into cryptocurrencies and projects such as Profede as prices are low.

What solutions does Profede solve?

Profede technology enables:

  1. Scalable search through massive datasets.
  2. Data privacy and professional anonymity.
  3. Incentives to participate in the recruiting and social selling markets.
  4. Portable professional profiles and feedback ratings.

Profede’s protocol will be useful in various scenarios for professionals, below are some ways in which Profede will enhance and help online professionals.

Professionals looking for a new job

Profede can help jobseekers find new opportunities. Through completing a profile on Profede the online community will validate your greatest aptitudes as a professional and the job opportunities will appear effortlessly. Regardless of whether you get the job in the end, you will still be rewarded. Your personal data is valuable and because of this, we believe that professionals should be compensated.


When searching for a new employee recruiters want to ensure that they are targeting the best individuals for the job that they require to be done. With Profede, recruiters will be able to do this. Recruiters will be able to conduct a well defined search where the professionals will be much more receptive to appropriate offers. As the professionals will only receive serious proposals from recruiters, this results in a win-win situation.


Business-to-Business opportunities should be more beneficial for both parties. The business that is advertising their prospects with Profede will be rewarded directly if they accept a discussion request from a business that wants to talk. In addition, the company that is requesting to talk knows that their offer will be taken seriously as they have requested their attention via a token payment.


An Influencer usually receives a lot of interest from third party companies wanting to collaborate and take advantage of their market Influencer. This of course has value, as the Influencers data is highly valuable for brands. Because of this, we believe that the exchange of this information should be rewarding to the Influencer and the Influencer should only receive serious offers of interest.

Professional service

Professional service companies can pay to gain access to pitch to a decision maker, who can make money to be pitched at. You will be able to set your price in tokens depending on how accessible you want to be and your information will be validated by the community, giving you credibility and trustworthiness. Furthermore, you will be paid once you have exchanged your data.

Token distribution Information

There is a fixed total of 6,000,000,000 PATO (Professional Activity Token), of which 3,000,000,000 will be available for purchase across the presale and crowdsale periods.

Profede will use a web application to facilitate the contribution of BTC or ETH and receipt of PATO tokens. You may contribute with BTC or ETH, but must use a BTC or ETH wallet to do so.

Profede is distributing ERC-20 tokens (PATO tokens). An ERC-20 compatible wallet must be given as a receiving address regardless of whether you contribute BTC or ETH.

Tokens are expected to be distributed within one week of the completion of the crowdsale, but the team reserves the right to take up to four weeks. This would only occur if there were complications with the pre-sale or crowd-sale, which the team does not foresee.

Allocation of funds

● 50% of the total amount of PATO tokens are available for purchase across the presale and crowdsale

● 40% of the total amount of PATO tokens are reserved as a long term budget.

Among others, these tokens will be used to:

○ stimulate the use and growth of the platform.

○ pay for the development.

○ invest in marketing.

○ cover legal costs.

● 10% of the total amount of PATO tokens are reserved for the Advisors and Team.

Use of Proceeds

● 40% for development (rollout of the solution and adjustments).

● 5% for administrative needs.

● 44% for expanding adoption. This includes the growth and maintenance of the world-wide community including advisors for growth-hacking, public relations, partnerships, affiliate programs, etc.

● 5% for legal expenses.

● 6% for unforeseen costs.

Lock-up Period

There will be a three month lock-up period for presale investors. Crowdsale Investors will not have lock-up period.

Advisors will have a three months lock-up period, and in the case of the team members, they will have a two years lock-up period, with 25% of their tokens being unlocked every six months.

In the case of Profede’s reserve, these tokens are destined to stimulate the platform, so Profede will lock those tokens one year. All these lock-up periods will be enforced through a smart contract, that will be published and audited.

Deployment Plan

Combining the above components, the Profede Professional Protocol acts as a platform to create professionally-driven and rewarding business opportunities. As the platform provider, Profede focuses primarily on establishing the core framework of the protocol within which all developers can build apps and services. As such, Profede’s core offerings to support the B2P ecosystem (as well as P2P support services) will include a collection of APIs, libraries and SDKs that will enable external developers to build on top of the platform.

The Professional Activity Token (PATO) will use ERC-20 token standard, compatible with all exchanges and will be tradable with all other currencies (coins).

