5 Reasons Blockchain-based Profede is Unique

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5 min readMay 2, 2018

We create and consume data everyday, from the moment we wake up and reach out to our phone to see what happened while we were sleeping to the moment we go to bed and finish up our day’s last social media posts. Users use countless apps to consume and create data while those service providers of apps and third-parties are making billions from our data. Profede is unique in that it is offering professionals a way to earn tokens each time that they approve and authorize to share their professional data with a new contacts. Through the use of Profede’s protocol users can enjoy using their social networks while being part of the profit equation.

Profede is a unique blockchain-based protocol in the professional industry. Here’s why:

1. A protocol for infinite apps, businesses and users

Profede is a horizontal protocol capable of disrupting the global market. Profede uses blockchain-based technology to grow it’s list of records that are linked and secure using cryptography. The Profede Professional Protocol allows direct Professional-to-Business and Professional-to-Professional interactions, without the need for intermediaries.

Profede’s protocol can be used by countless apps, businesses and professionals, making it unique and the first protocol to monetize each time a user authorizes to share their professional data. Profede’s decentralized protocol allows users to easily store and manage their profiles. Profede aims to grow to be a protocol that other apps in the industry will use.

2. Over 12 million users to adopt upon market entry

Profede has signed two agreements so far and is in talks with more. These partnerships mean that Profede will have a quick and successful market entry once launched as they will already have over 12 million users that will be able to use the protocol on the launch date.

Profede has signed an agreement with beBee, a social platform where professionals can collaborate, showcase and share their personal brand and market themselves, to be the first to use the decentralized protocol. Profede is also partnering with Skyllz, an open source and blockchain-based protocol that assesses and verifies users skills to validate, track and boost talent.

Through Profede’s partnerships and collaborations, value will be added as a whole to the project, ecosystem and network. A wider social impact can be reached through these partnerships and building of our brand. More public visibility and strengthening of Profede’s community and reach can be achieved.

3. Advantages for professionals, businesses and apps

The protocol enables users to easily move their profiles and data to the other networks that are partaking in Profede’s protocol, enhancing the level of privacy and safety. Users gain control over their data as they are able to decide who they want to share their data with, for how much and which parts of their data. Users become part of the profit equation as they can earn tokens each time they agree to share their data with a requesting party. The profiles are then portable and can be used throughout all the other apps that have adopted Profede’s protocol.

Businesses and other professionals will benefit by having access to the profiles of professional users that are verified by the community as being legitimate and certified through a feedback rating. Businesses are able to make appropriate payments for the professional’s data regardless of which platform the person’s information is located eliminating the need to use intermediaries and pay large fees to use such middlemen. Interactions are made easier and as businesses automatically make direct customized offers to professionals the success rate will also increase for businesses. Through these features businesses gain greater efficiency and a greater success rate while using Profede’s protocol.

Apps benefit through having the perfect “engine” to incentivize users to join their platforms; the possibility of being compensated in tokens. This is not only unique but it is highly attractive and trendy as it is a new concept. Cryptocurrencies are hot at the moment, and users want to earn from sharing their data and becoming part of the profit equation, which is why incentivizing users through earning tokens is effective. Profede provides the platform to apps to incorporate so that they can start to offer services to a large amount of users. Profede’s protocol can easily be used by apps, incorporated and is compatible. Apps can develop value added services and business models to fuel and ease the decentralized professional ecosystem.

4. Empowers data creators

Data creators want to be rewarded in an industry where they create the data but are not part of the profit equation not have full control of their data. Users sign up and use a variety of social networks and apps everyday creating data, but receive nothing in return while those companies are making millions off of that data. Profede empowers data creators by rewarding them by adding them to the profit equation.

The transaction of sharing data on Profede only takes place once one party solicits to contact for a certain amount of tokens that has been pre-set by users and the requested party accepts. Only once authorization through a response action has been made is there a release of data ensuring that the data is protected and that each transaction is transparent.

Profede’s process ensures that information is accurate and comes from the official source, the data creator themselves rather than as is the case of many cases from another party and is often outdated data. Profede also empowers data creators and wants to disrupt the market to bring the power back to the hands of the data creators themselves.

5. Brings control to users

Users give and share their data away everyday to use free services from big companies such as Amazon, Google or Facebook. Profede gives the power back to the professionals, the real data creators, with blockchain and offering the chance to earn tokens each time they approve of sharing their contact details and responding to an offer, so that they always feel fairly compensated for investing the time and effort to study proposals.

Data transparency is the future and disruption in the professional market needs to take place because users want and should be compensated for their data and have full control of what they want to share, whom with and which parts of their data. There is no justification in others making money from the exchange of your data, it should be you who makes money from your own data so Profede is aiming to be the game changer to add the data creators to the profit equation putting the user in control.

