Profede Announces Partnership with Emmares to Enhance Online Experience

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3 min readMay 22, 2018

Profede is announcing the strategic partnership they have formed with Emmares to revolutionize the online experience for users sharing their data, email evaluation and rewards. Through this partnership users will obtain a higher level of transparency, better connection for online engagement and be part of the profit equation. Blockchain-based Profede is a decentralized protocol where users earn tokens each time that they authorize the sharing of their data, while Emmares is the revolutionary email evaluation and rewarding system that ensures a future of high quality content for all.

Profede has made an agreement with Emmares, the revolutionizing spam remover and email marketing enhancer. Emmares uses it’s system to promote transparency, unbiased evaluation, and high-quality content for both email marketers and receivers. Users can earn tokens at Emmares for reviewing the quality of the content. The tokens will be paid by the email marketer whose content was evaluated each time an assessment is made.

All the unwanted spam emails are filtered out so that digital users can enjoy their online experience and have minimized ‘noise.’ Users therefore have full control over the content that they want to receive and achieve a better online experience and engagement.

Emmares ensures that users will find the most relevant high quality content based on their interests, without the need to view spam. Emmares uses trusted evaluations and quality scores to make sure that users are able to view only what is relevant to them, and through this achieving a global digital reputation of email content providers and their content. This enables an expanded audience for email marketers where a target audience can be reached, increasing views and time spent reading relevant content. Through this there will be a better success rate and higher ROI.

Profede is bringing users control back over the sharing of their data. Users can decide who they want to share their data with, how much of their data they are willing to share and for what price they will share their data. In a market where today we are bombarded by contact requests and mails on various platforms that make billions from owning our data such as CV’s, contact details and more as this information has a value, while the data creators receive nothing. Blockchain based Profede was designed to help us gain back control, power and security from the antiquated and outdated methods which currently exist.

This is achieved by users setting a price that they are willing to accept for those contact requests and mails, deciding who they want to approve contact with and for what purpose, this makes professionals a participant in the profit equation. Users can earn tokens each time they approve in sharing their contact details, so that they only receive contact requests that are of quality and worthy of their time. It’s time for internet users, who are the real data creators, to rightfully make a profit from sharing their data and be added to the value chain.

Together Profede and Emmares can achieve a future where we earn from sharing with others as well as achieving an online experience where we only see relevant content as we can review the quality of the content and earn tokens for this. Together Profede and Emmares are ensuring a future where users are part of the profit equation and have control over their data online, not only with who sees their data, what part of their data, what price their willing to share their data for but they will only view high quality and relevant content and earn from valuating content from email marketers.

