Career Opportunities

Carly Lesko
Professional Life in MCS
3 min readSep 2, 2017

I am a current senior at the University of Maryland Baltimore County set to graduate in May 2018 with a B.A. in Media & Communication Studies and a minor in Economics. I have a wide range of interests ranging anywhere from marketing to financials. I recently interned at a private bank which allowed me to realize that my abilities to link both communication studies and economics together would be the best option for me in terms of finding a career that I love. Below are three job opportunities that I would apply for in order to work in an environment that fulfills my passion for both communications and the economy.

Local: Marketing Associate at Kforce Finance and Accounting

This job, located in Baltimore, seems like a great opportunity for what it is that I want to do. The skills required to perform well in this setting are listed as having good interpersonal skills, being able to work well in a group environment, time management, as well as paying close attention to detail among other things. I would be a good candidate for this job because of my ability to work well with others, my experience as a division one student athlete providing me with great time management skills, as well as my experience working for a private bank where I handled large amounts of money in a serious environment. To be the best candidate for this job, I would need to work on my marketing technique as well as figure out whom my media would be targeting. In order to achieve this, I would learn about the company and whom we would be working with as well as find some sort of experience prior to working for Kforce.

National: Client Service Representative for Bank of America

Being a client service representative for Bank of America is a suitable job for me in that I have the ability to communicate well with others both respectfully and productively. Along with that, I have experience interning for a bank and handling transactions through the phone. Along with that, I am passionate about representing the company that I work for in the best way so that I would provide customers with the most accommodating service. This job is also located in New York City where I previously interned and would be available for this location. Skills that I would need to acquire for this job would be to learn and understand the values that Bank of America stands for as well as work on my sales techniques.

International: Digital Marketing Manager for Global Sports Jobs

This is a suitable job for me in that I have been an athlete my entire life and am extremely passionate about sports. Along with that, I am capable of marketing and representing the company in the most intriguing way with my interpersonal skills and my interest in the market. To better my performance in this position, I would have to continue to update my media strategies with certain trends and techniques.

“Marketing Associate Jobs in Baltimore, MD — Kforce Finance and Accounting.” CareerBuilder,

Bank Of America Job — Client Service Representative , New York, NY, United States. (n.d.). Retrieved September 02, 2017, from

Digital Marketing Manager Job with GlobalSportsJobs | 962998.” GlobalSportsJobs,


“Career News.” Career News | Hugh Boyd Secondary School,

“Beginning An Engineering Consulting Business.” Le Riva Business,

