Communicating After College

Lucas Garner
Professional Life in MCS
3 min readSep 2, 2017

I have two passions. I love working with people who live with disabilities, and I love the activity of drum corps. Almost since I was born I’ve been involved with Special Olympics and I’ve participated in drum corps every summer since I was 15. I would be happy to spend the rest of my life working with one of these two organizations.

Giving back

Having volunteered with Special Olympics Maryland since I could walk has created a steadfast bond between us. The job posted below would allow me to actually give back in a very real way to the organization I’ve grown to love.

My demonstrated level of commitment to this organization would be a strong ally in attaining this job. My ability to work extremely well collaboratively, like I am currently doing in my internship with White Rose Farm, is exactly what they are looking for. I’ve gained experience collaborating with a CEO and a board of directors concurrently which is exactly a skill they are looking for.

However, in order to acquire this job, I need to gain some essential skills. Skills such as developing communication strategies, communication experience, and a more in-depth knowledge of the functions of social media platforms and their analytics are required to be a viable candidate for this job. Through my internship and hopefully subsequent positions in the communications field, I hope to gain these necessary skills.

Inspiration in the marching arts

I loved being a Bluecoat. Marching in one of the most elite marching music ensembles in the world gave me an enormous amount of pride and fulfillment in doing what I love. Helping this organization to spread its message and inspire other young kids to want to be a Bluecoat would be a dream come true for me.

While this ad posting is for internship positions, I have, in being part of the organization, seen firsthand that success in the videographer internship position turn into a full-time position. My love for the Bluecoats and my four years of experience in the organization make me a strong candidate for the position, if my skills are up to snuff. The skills I would need to improve before taking on the videographer position would be a mastery of the Adobe suite and a more keen artistic eye towards how to structure and frame an inspirational video. I feel with more time and experience, my artistic sense will develop, however I need to work diligently in order to develop my skills in the Adobe suite in order to be competitive. I need to work in my free time to learn and master these programs in order to be successful in most positions. And hopefully, with experience, I can capture moments of pure emotion for young people like was done for me.

Taking it global

The director of communications for Special Olympics Team USA would be a thrillride. Taking my passion global and connecting so many people is a dream, however it may be too impersonal for me.

Similarly to the requirements for the Special Olympics Maryland position, this position is just on a totally different scale. It seems to be extremely similar requirements, however I would expect those requirements to increase in magnitude tenfold. Again, I would need to cultivate experience in the use of media relations, websites and electronic newsletters, social media, and photography in order to be a viable candidate for this position. Through working with my internship, I am developing many of these skills and would hope to continue their development in any future positions, as well as the final classes I take here at UMBC.

