Looking Good, Feeling Good, Doing Good: Why Professional Attire Matters

Kenneth Flakes
Kenneth Flakes Professional Plus
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7 min readNov 24, 2023
John Fetterman as Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania at a press conference about two state police troopers killed in the line of duty (March 21, 2022)

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Photo courtesy of Governor Tom Wolf.

The Importance of Professional Dress in the Workplace

At a press conference on September 25, 2019, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman discussed cannabis legalization and the results of the statewide listening tour.

John Fetterman, the first-term U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, has made headlines for wearing a hoodie and shorts in formal settings. While some people praised him for breaking with tradition and dressing comfortably and authentically, others criticized him for not dressing more formally, arguing that it was disrespectful to the Senate and its rules.

Regardless of your opinion on Fetterman’s clothing choices, there are some important reasons why professionals should dress professionally, especially when working as a team.

  • Make a good first impression. When you meet someone for the first time, your appearance is one of the first things they notice. Dressing professionally shows that you are serious about your job and respect the person you meet. It can also help you make a positive first impression, leading to new opportunities and relationships.
  • Create a sense of unity and belonging. When everyone on a team is dressed similarly, it sends the message that they are all part of the same team and working towards the same goals. This can boost morale and productivity and create a more cohesive and collaborative work environment.
  • Represent your company and profession. When team members are dressed professionally, it projects an image of competence, trustworthiness, and reliability. This can be important for building relationships with clients and customers and attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Boost your confidence. Feeling good about your appearance can boost your confidence. Confidence is important in the workplace, as it can help you perform better under pressure and take on new challenges.

Now, let’s explore some actionable tips for dressing professionally:

  1. Choose clothing that is clean, pressed, and well-fitting. Select clean and neatly pressed garments for a polished, put-together image that complements your body shape.
  2. Avoid wearing clothing that is too revealing or too tight. Strike a balance between style and modesty in professional settings.
  3. Pay attention to the details, such as your shoes and accessories. Elevate your look by focusing on finer points like clean, well-maintained shoes and thoughtfully chosen accessories for a well-coordinated ensemble that showcases your commitment to presenting yourself in the best possible light.

By incorporating these tips, you can confidently enhance your professional image and make a lasting impression in any professional setting.

Of course, the specific dress code for a team will vary depending on the industry, company culture, and the situation. If you are unsure what to wear, it is always better to err with caution and dress more formally. You can also ask your colleagues or manager for guidance.

Photo courtesy of Governor Tom Wolf.

Empowering Your Professional Journey: Insights from Rich Paul’s Interview

In a recent interview on 60 Minutes, sports agent Rich Paul made an impactful statement about loyalty. When asked whether he was “destroying player loyalty to the teams and the fans” in sports, Paul responded:

“Player loyalty to what? If I could be traded in the middle of the night to another team what I should be is educating myself to where if this is — isn’t goin’ the way I thought it was supposed to go, I can switch up, right? We’re not confined.”

Paul’s message has three parallels to the situation of people working in Corporate America:

  • The Shifting Power Dynamic: The power dynamic in the workplace is changing. Employees are becoming more empowered to advocate for themselves and their needs. They are also becoming more willing to leave jobs that do not meet their expectations. This is similar to how athletes are becoming more empowered to negotiate their contracts and demand better treatment from their teams.
  • The Reality of Job Insecurity: Employees can be let go at any time, for any reason, or no reason at all. Just as athletes can be traded to another team, employees can be terminated or laid off, even if they perform well. This can create a feeling of insecurity and lack of control for employees.
  • The Power of Options: Employees have options. Just as athletes can choose to sign with a different team, employees can choose to leave their jobs and find new ones. Employees can also educate themselves about their rights and the opportunities available to them so that they are prepared to make a change if necessary.

Paul’s statement reminds employees that they should not be afraid to take control of their careers. By educating themselves about their rights and options, networking with other professionals, and developing their skills, employees can empower themselves to advocate for themselves and leave jobs that do not meet their needs.

As you navigate your professional journey, remember that empowerment begins with knowledge and action. Take charge of your career by:

  • Educate yourself about your rights and the different opportunities available to you. This includes knowing your employment contract, the laws that protect you, and the salary ranges for your position and experience level.
  • Network with other professionals and build relationships with potential employers. Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and contact people you admire for informational interviews.
  • Develop your skills and knowledge. Take advantage of training and development opportunities offered by your employer or pursue continuing education on your own.
  • Be willing to advocate for yourself and your needs. Be bold and ask for a raise, a promotion, or other changes you believe are warranted.

Your journey is unique, and the choices you make today shape your future. Empower yourself and seize the opportunities that align with your aspirations.

Key Takeaways from the “Engineer to Leader” Panel Discussion

“Engineer to Leader: Empowering Engineers for Leadership Success” panel discussion hosted by the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers — Houston Chapter. (Photo Source — SHPE Houston)

As engineers advance in their careers, they often encounter a critical decision point: to continue deepening their technical expertise or to embark on a leadership path. This choice can be a significant one, shaping the trajectory of their professional journey.

Last month, I had the privilege of participating in the “Engineer to Leader: Empowering Engineers for Leadership Success” panel discussion hosted by the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Chapter. Accompanied by fellow panelists Patrick Guide II, PMP, Cindy Vasquez, and Eric J Rodriguez, we delved into the transformative journey of transitioning from technical expertise to leadership excellence.

Patrick Guide (Left), Cindy Vasquez (Center), and Kenneth Flakes (Right) [Photo Source — SHPE Houston]

Our discussion highlighted several vital aspects that engineers should embrace as they step into leadership roles:

1. Mentoring and reverse mentoring emerged as invaluable tools for fostering growth and gaining diverse perspectives.

2. The concept of a Personal Board of Directors resonated as a valuable strategy for seeking guidance and support from trusted individuals.

3. Authenticity was underscored as a cornerstone of effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of connecting with team members on a genuine level.

4. Advocating for team members was another critical point of emphasis, stressing the leader’s role in championing their team’s accomplishments and addressing their concerns.

5. Motivating team members through recognition and appreciation and creating an environment that fosters passion and engagement was another key takeaway.

6. The panel emphasized the significance of leaders clearly understanding their mission and purpose.

7. Active listening, a cornerstone of empathetic communication, was also highlighted as an essential skill for effective leadership, enabling leaders to foster trust, build strong relationships, and make informed decisions that benefit the entire team.

8. Empathy emerged as a crucial leadership quality, enabling leaders to connect with their team members on an emotional level, understand their perspectives, and provide the necessary support.

The “Engineer to Leader” panel discussion provided invaluable insights into the multifaceted role of a leader and the essential qualities necessary to excel in this capacity. As engineers embark on their leadership journey, embracing these principles will empower them to guide their teams toward exceptional achievements and make a lasting impact in their respective fields.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of our professional journeys, we must adapt, learn, and empower ourselves. Whether it’s making informed wardrobe choices, advocating for our careers, or stepping into leadership roles, the Professional Plus Newsletter is here to provide insights and support.

Remember, your journey is unique, and success is a personal odyssey. If you’ve found this newsletter valuable, consider sharing it with your peers and colleagues who might benefit. For exclusive content and updates, visit kennethflakes.com to explore Professional Plus.

Stay inspired and empowered on your professional path. Until our next edition, I wish you continued success and fulfillment.

🔗Connect with Kenneth Flakes on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram and Professional Plus on Pinterest.



Kenneth Flakes
Kenneth Flakes Professional Plus

Kenneth Flakes, PE is a licensed engineer and advocate of the STEM curriculum. His work can be found at https://www.kennethflakes.com